Flat Earth... does it really matter? Who cares?! In the end, does it effect you, really?

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

I'm back with another vlog, expressing my point of view on an on going debate about whether the earth is flat or round. I spent most of my day researching and searching for answers. One day isn't enough to draw a conclusion on this topic, but do I really want to waste my time on it? Flat earthers will say I'm being naive, stupid even. I think their the ones that's stupid for wasting their time and energy on trying to prove something that won't change anything. Even if you prove NASA is a fraud, what will you accomplish really? Exposing them for what? Will uncovering one lie change society as we know it? Highly doubt it. Their arguments are the same, as many websites and videos on youtube you browse looking for answers, they go in circles pointing out the same so-called "facts". 

Like this one:

This incident makes a lot of sense in favor of flat earthers. What sucks is I couldn't find nothing that explained the route taken by the plane. Yet it's only one incident. That doesn't really prove much. 

I got tired of trying to find an answer. I realize the argument is pointless. It won't change my way of life. It won't pay my bills nor feed my family. I was kind of upset I wasted as much time as I did on it. 

Enjoy the video my fellow steemers. 

Show ❤️ And remeber, always stay blessed 🙏🏼

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I actually did a rebuttal to this because it's such an easy argument to debunk. The problem is that they make these 'good sounding' arguments that people have to go fact check to disprove, and most people are unwilling, unable, or do not have the time or patience to fact check these arguments.

But if you watch the video again, it's easy to debunk. He did not use a GLOBE to show the distances are not correct. He used a flat map. If you actually see the flight path on a GLOBE, the route makes perfect sense.

See what the video did? It used a flat map to say the route on a globe makes no sense. If you watch this stuff, you have to make sure you fact check everything.

The argument is actually an argument against flat earth more than a sphere earth.


Hi you cant debunk flat earth as there is no prove for the globe. Sorry
Sea level is flat like the earth. Horizon always on eye level proves it

The globe is just hollywood promoted fantasy

"Hi you cant debunk flat earth as there is no prove for the globe. Sorry
Sea level is flat like the earth. Horizon always on eye level proves it"

More dishonesty.

A. There is tons of evidence for the globe. You provided no disproofs of the globe, NOR evidence FOR flat earth. Just logical fallacies.

B. "Sea level is flat". No, it's not. Stop being dishonest. Go research tides. The ocean is NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER flat! EVER. If it were. We would not have tides.

EVEN IF the EARTH were flat, your argument that the ocean is level would STILL BE WRONG because we have TIDES. And tides mean that water is ALWAYS curving and is NEVER EVER EVER EVER FLAT NOR LEVEL. You are just simply scientifically wrong.

Stop being a twit and posting your nonsense here.

still waiting for the oceans to find their level.jpg

C. No, the horizon is not always on eye level.

Surveyors have been measuring the curvature of land and water for over a hundred years with a theodolite. There are even theodolite APPS that you can SEE the horizon drop YOURSELF FOR FREE.

Go ahead, put the app on your phone, and go to a tall hotel with an unobstructed view of the horizon. At the lowest floor you have an unobstructed view of the horizon, measure the horizon dip with your app. Then go up 10 floors and measure it again.

Voila. You JUST proved the horizon drops, and that the earth is curved. You can do this at NO COST to you.

But you will not spend a day with a surveyor, nor put the theodolite app on your phone and test this yourself, because if you did, you'd not be able to peddle your cult beliefs, and you'd have to admit you are wrong.

Stop posting your provably false nonsense here. You are a troll.

If you didn't want to use any of that fancy technology because you think that all scientists LIE and that they just make theodolite apps as part of your ridiculous worldwide conspiracy, you could make a leveling rig yourself and do this experiment to watch the horizon dip yourself... no fancy science technology needed.

But you won't.

Plus, doctor 'truth', you said, "Hi you cant debunk flat earth as there is no prove for the globe. "

Again, more illogic that a 'doctor of truth' would not spout. I do not NEED evidence FOR a globe earth to disprove a flat earth. That is a ridiculous statement. A 'doctor of truth' could potentially disprove BOTH of them and have to consider different options. EVEN IF the globe could not be proven (it is, in thousands and thousands of different ways), you could not say that I have to prove the globe in order to disprove the flat earth. That is just nonsense.

In the same way, you cannot PROVE a flat earth even if you could disprove a globe earth. You would STILL have to PROVE your own model. And you can't. Because there are dozens of impossibilities in ANY flat earth model.

And I notice that you did not propose one that DOES, you just 'believe' there is one that can. That is called 'faith', not science or truth.

Horizon always on eye level proves it

Except that it doesn't. You COULD just go take a theodolite app and MEASURE the actual horizon dip... as surveyors have been doing for years, and that you could do for free with an app and a tall building... but you won't.

You do realize that science invented specialized instruments to actually prescisely MEASURE the horizon drop a hundred years ago, right?

And we are so technologically advanced from this SAME science, that you can have a scaled down version of this prescision instrument at your fingertips if you wanted to. For free.

But you obviously are not interested in the reality that anyone can measure the horizon dip and see for themselves. You are more interested in maintaining a ridiculous delusion.

Don't trust those evil technological advances? Hey, you can even use and old school leveling rig and see the horizon dip for yourself.

I'll bet you wont'.

How could it not matter? If NASA was to be proven fraud without a shadow of a doubt, then the following must be true:

  • Every pitcure of ball Earth is fake, even when claimed real
  • Every Man, Woman and Child has been illegally indoctrinated for the last 600 years
  • Billions upon billions of American taxpayer dollars will be forever lost in vain.
  • All the other governments that swear up and down Earth is a ball will also be proven a lie.
  • Literally any hollywood movie/tv show that reinforces that ball model will be exposed as propaganda
  • It will prove the existence of a creator and put us at the center of the universe
  • it would debunk evolution and the big bang

Shall I go on..?

So yes, Flat Earth will LITERALLY CHANGE everyday society....
Stop making dumb videos like this trying to downplay one of, if not the biggest deception in all of human history.

You're right. And then what? Then our government issues an apology and nothing really changes. Maybe a few rallies and protest. Then life goes back to normal. It won't be the first nor last mistake our government made. Life as we know it will resume back to normal. NASA might still get funded to now discover more about "flat earth". Thank you for watching. Stay blessed.

Well, a couple of problems with your missive. The first problem is that EVEN IF every image by NASA is faked, that does not say ONE THING about the shape of the earth. The shape of the earth was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt LONG before NASA existed. IF NASA is lying, why could they not be lying, but trying to make everything SEEM as real as possible so that no one finds out? YOu are making a HUGE logical leap that NASA is lying in order to 'hide' flat earth.

To say that if NASA is lying proves a flat earth is a logical fallacy called a 'non-sequitur', and it's unscientific. It's claiming either you have evidence you do not, or that you have mind-reading powers.

I am unsure how anyone could come to such a conclusion.

Second, I was with your 'must be true' list... UNTIL these three:

"-It will prove the existence of a creator and put us at the center of the universe
-It would debunk evolution and the big bang
-All the other governments that swear up and down Earth is a ball will also be proven a lie."

AGain, if NASA were proven a fraud, it is a non-sequitur, unscientific, and a GIGANTIC leap of logic to conclude those things. It sounds as though you are getting science and religion mixed up terribly, as well as proving NASA is a fraud and proving the shape of the earth is flat.

These are the kinds of 'good sounding' half-truths that flat earthers do in order to gain gullible cult followers and not have to put their model through any real scrutiny.

it proves God, and that everything we know is a lie. It matters.

If you have faith in god, and beleive in your god, you don't need the shape of it to solidify anything for you. Stay blessed.

I guess god is omnipotent, but is unable to make a sphere? What a strange faith you have.

thanks and agreed lost.identity
take care!

Very interesting & real perspective can it change our life knowing truth? I think that it can. If any part of NASA is a lie the whole is one. Nothing other than NASA have been validated aka proven to be liars. My Brother I totally agree arguing this will not pay the bills or provide for our family.
"Go and look at all the dates that all the Hurricanes happened they were all done on the very same dates just years apart just saying is it coincidence I think not" Russ Navara. Research " "Haarp" weather control...

tell the truth not only for entertainment. High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
let the Christians tell it's bible prophecy's lol.. more like men playing creator to me. Peace & Love!

Thank you for sharing that trailer with me. I look forward to seeing that movie. I truly believe the government fucks us over and lies to us. It's why I'm planning on leaving the united states in the near future. I also believe they play a part in all these so called "natural disasters", but how do we prove it. Until all americans rally against the government and demand a change, it'll never change anything. It's hard to prove and even harder to get together as a whole and make a change. Thank you for your insight. Stay blessed.

lol weird, I was just thinking this before. How will we ever know really? Flat or round, it doesn't matter I love all shapes & sizes.

Lol exactly. Thanks for watching. Stay blessed

Globe earth consists of the belief in evolution and that all life is just a coincidence.
Instead earth is special. not a spinning ball in space and you also are special dont let them tell you YOU dont matter and evolved from a monkey.
So either everything doesnt matter or everything matters
people dont care because they believe in this globe system

good stuff, the title alone hooked me..... bravo sir

🤣 i love betty. Im glad you liked my topic lol stay blessed

Who cares indeed, other then the countless proof that its oval xD
anyhow we love on a very beautiful marble and we ain't taking to much good care of it. Badly enough :(

🙌🏼 you're right gyz. Instead of worrying about the shape, worry about taking care of it more

Amen brother :D

LOL find a real foto of the blue marble you believe to live on

ive heard it said that the real conspiracy behind "flat earth" is that its a conspiracy engineered to keep people bickering and pouring energy into a discussion meant to waste our time and divert attention away from other things.

That's really the only theory that's ever made sense to me. Powers at work preying on their critics by throwing a divisive theory in the mix to water down the discussion and divide folks.

Might be why you found it so exhausting. :)

Exactly probably while i felt like a fool for wasting so much time on it. Thank you for your insight. Stay blessed.

Haha you're not a fool, I had to do a bunch of research to get to that conclusion for myself, you're only a fool if you continue wasting time knowing it's a waste ;)

Enjoyed your post!

gotta get to your video but I totally agree with your conclusion 100

Yes ISS is a hoax. Proven hundreds of times: NASA Insider: We lied about everything!

In the end, its all about perspective-s. The ways in which billions of mind perceive and choose to be on either side of an argument like this.

Either you are brainwashed and believe to live on a spinning ball or you questioned it and came to you or conclusion. you decide

Hi the problem is that you just fell for the mainstream flat earth model. This model is bollocks like the globe!
There is no prove for curvature and no real footage of earth from space.
Horizon stays always on eye level and sea level is flat like the path of planes over the oceans. They fly level flat on the flat plane
BUT the model is wrong!!

I am a flat earther since 2014 and it took me from 2013 to research if there is any evidence for the heliocentric globe model. There isnt!

WHY the official FLAT EARTH model is WRONG, and WHY it matters...

And you can check my videos on the flat earth subject:

Dont believe. Think for your self