BabyFaceMan. Can I? 😬I had the same thoughts as @josediccus. But as I watched your video day by day, I know your a man. I’d like to call you
Congrates on your new camera. I’m sure you will learn to love it. I’m trying to get a gopro instead for me to take it underwater diving. And probably do a dtube while diving.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yo if I wasnt all about being positive and uplifting in public spaces I'd share all the terrible jokes ive made about myself xD
And thank you! I'm so stoked. A goPro sounds AWESOME for that man, I wish all cameras were waterproof by default. We have the technology! We should just be switching to pure waterproof everything.
I cant wait to watch these potential diving videos 8D
Posted using Partiko Android