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RE: Flat Earth... does it really matter? Who cares?! In the end, does it effect you, really?

in #vlog7 years ago

How could it not matter? If NASA was to be proven fraud without a shadow of a doubt, then the following must be true:

  • Every pitcure of ball Earth is fake, even when claimed real
  • Every Man, Woman and Child has been illegally indoctrinated for the last 600 years
  • Billions upon billions of American taxpayer dollars will be forever lost in vain.
  • All the other governments that swear up and down Earth is a ball will also be proven a lie.
  • Literally any hollywood movie/tv show that reinforces that ball model will be exposed as propaganda
  • It will prove the existence of a creator and put us at the center of the universe
  • it would debunk evolution and the big bang

Shall I go on..?

So yes, Flat Earth will LITERALLY CHANGE everyday society....
Stop making dumb videos like this trying to downplay one of, if not the biggest deception in all of human history.


You're right. And then what? Then our government issues an apology and nothing really changes. Maybe a few rallies and protest. Then life goes back to normal. It won't be the first nor last mistake our government made. Life as we know it will resume back to normal. NASA might still get funded to now discover more about "flat earth". Thank you for watching. Stay blessed.

Well, a couple of problems with your missive. The first problem is that EVEN IF every image by NASA is faked, that does not say ONE THING about the shape of the earth. The shape of the earth was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt LONG before NASA existed. IF NASA is lying, why could they not be lying, but trying to make everything SEEM as real as possible so that no one finds out? YOu are making a HUGE logical leap that NASA is lying in order to 'hide' flat earth.

To say that if NASA is lying proves a flat earth is a logical fallacy called a 'non-sequitur', and it's unscientific. It's claiming either you have evidence you do not, or that you have mind-reading powers.

I am unsure how anyone could come to such a conclusion.

Second, I was with your 'must be true' list... UNTIL these three:

"-It will prove the existence of a creator and put us at the center of the universe
-It would debunk evolution and the big bang
-All the other governments that swear up and down Earth is a ball will also be proven a lie."

AGain, if NASA were proven a fraud, it is a non-sequitur, unscientific, and a GIGANTIC leap of logic to conclude those things. It sounds as though you are getting science and religion mixed up terribly, as well as proving NASA is a fraud and proving the shape of the earth is flat.

These are the kinds of 'good sounding' half-truths that flat earthers do in order to gain gullible cult followers and not have to put their model through any real scrutiny.