I am new to crypto. Delightfully so, I might add. I have entered a world of personal trading, unlike the complicated-to-enter markets, i.e. NASDAQ, DOW.
Personally, crypto has been an answer to a prayer, allowing for an opportunity to invest from the ground floor in many available stocks.
As with any market, one has to do the research to determine the potential growth value of a stock.
A young 18 year-old would do well to invest, starting with his first gig, a few coins every payday into crypto. Those pennies, if monitored quarterly could yield dollars long term, producing another rag to riches story.
Lastly, have you read @jerrybanfield’s new proposal on growing the Steemit community; thus, value of STEEM? If not, here’s the link.
Perhaps, you’ll do a video sharing your thoughts, pros and cons.