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really nodding along with you as you speak about this. 2018 feels good for the year of adoption by the masses. I think there are so many people working on this the tech is booming. gonna be addicting to watch

Have you gotten any potcoin?

Great recap of the year, lets hope the trend continues

Good Work Follow x Follow please <3

Happy New Year to all Steemians!!!

And remember...

This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time.

If we follow the tendencies set by multiple forerunners of our cryptocurrency world on the rise, the advent of Bitshares, steem, EOS and their family, which includes Zephyr and ERISTICA, should see a monumental rise in popularity and exposure as many others will be known and exposed for the weaknesses solved by the latter.

Great sharing again, I love reading your content and see how you think, it is always a thrilling ride for me. Thanks a lot for it all, Happy New Year, keep your smile and taking good care of your self and the beloveds, Steem on and, above all, thrive on!

Namaste :)

You put a good content on each point !!!what a good article about cryptocurrency awareness,good one!!!!!happy new year to all steemit and steemian..nice one i want you to watch on yourself and all steemite..

Good post and a very good maxim which is why I never buy on margin or credit, bitcoin/crypto maybe in a bubble but who in their right mind would try to short?

Wishing Bitcoin and rest of the crptos happy new year

Whats your favorite 3 cryptos

@nanzo-scoop 2018 will be a year of mass adoption

Have you invested in Potcoin?

You were born to win, but to be a winner you must:
Plan to win.
Be prepared to win.
Expect to win.
I am prepared to succeed.
Protect your dreams.

Thanks for sharing such useful content with us i will plan to win this year.
Happy new year to everyone...

Happy New Year Man!

If you ask me, in 2018 the whole world will be seriously concerned with the crypto money.. Steemit will go through a rapid rise. Steem will reach $ peak

I for one don’t know any thing about cryptocurrency, bitcoin, or steemit till last 8 monts. I saw some post in facebook about steemit with two catching points that we can earn large amount of $ by posting, voting and commenting. I first thought it a scam. as i started digging deep found the potentiality i decieded to jump int to steemit. It took me a month time to read study and understand the concept of crypto market.

Today i am confident and found the ways and means of earning on steemit. With my 5 and half months experience on steemit gained confidence I can really earn, though till now my earnings are negligable.
Your post gave me more WILL to put more hard work. Your link " the most activity used blockchain " gave good confidence.

As you have very aptly said “in 2018 we will begin to see how much value is placed on utility". This is very valied statment. It should come in to the stage as one can ues their visa credit card. With the guidence of people like it will reach soon.

Thank you very much for the post.

hi... scoop
we met in delhi ... in cryptocurrency seminar, that time you told me about your steemit account ..there your speech is quit interesting or knowledgeable

Amazing and very interessing post thank you for sharing
resteemed and shared in the steemit

optimisim is the best good bet, nothing can stand in it's way, come what may

Happy new year sir

and a prosperous 2018.

That is all we pray and cryptocurrencies will replace tangible monies because we are going digital

good post I like your work an follow you hope you will do same for me thanks and happy new year

Nice post and Happy New Year I hope that crypto currencies will be utilized to benefit the millions in developing countries gain access to enable swift cheap payments. As a newbie the fees to transfer crypto currencies is quite high across some of the exchanges. New to investing in Cryptos so do hope to see some gains and real life value from my invests. 2018 wishing you all the best @nanzo-scoop.

2018 year will be a good year on the Group steemit

2017 has been an amazing year for the cryptoworld. Unexpected soaring growth was seen.
I predict greater growth and a wider acceptability in 2018.
Happy new year

It will grow massive, as soon as people have more knowledge.

Imagine my utter shock when I clicked on HOT and the number one post was yet another cryptocurrency article.

2018 looks to be a solid year in general. I think we'll see the maturation of a lot of great products with solid use cases. We'll probably also see the eroding of market dominance from Bitcoin.

hey , amazing post!
In your opinion, this year will be good for cryptocurrency ?
what about ETH and 2.0 version ? thx :)

happy new years mr nanzo

It will be a great year for the steemit !! happy New Year!

If 2017 set an example for crypto than 2018 would be a banner year. I hope to learn from many experience crypto investors to deal with obstacles along with picking coins that are not scams. Thanks. Good luck for 2018.

cryptocurrency ithink was the bitcoin do fast movment people make much money up then they thought

@Nanzo-scoop, only been here for 3 months and your Vlogs of wisdom are invaluable to me and my colleagues. To me at that time "I think utility will drive conversion" is most powerful. Hopefully I'll be a successful contributor of that in 2018! Live long and prosper!

I'm not sure about adoption this year. I have a feeling the "old paradigm" system will try to fight back more and more by implementing more and more means of control. I don't think they can stop it, but like you, I therefore expect big turbulences and more volatility than before.
Until the crash comes, of course. Then people will have to adopt crypto very quickly :D Latest in 2020 I think... ;)

should i buy bitcoins right now?

indeed 2018 is a big year for Crypto, I can see some major things will be launched and incorporated in 2018. Blockchain technological advances are actually going to be implemented not just talked about.. Very exciting :)

I think 2018 will be a massive year for cryptos despite the fight to have it under control

Thanks for your great sharing with insight to the crypto world. This is valuable sharing that provides newbies like me with good check points and avoid misconceptions!

This new tecnhology (blockchain) its a revolution going on. bitcoin is a
simbolic criptocurrency that stars the run for a new world. a free, transparent and democratic one. soon all the banks are going to adopt criptocurrencies and so goverments all over. (venezuela is the first country with a criptocurrency with backup of natural resources) blockchain tecnhology its justs staring and we are going to see how companies and industries, goverments, banks, social media and so on and so on.. are gonna use this tecnhology for all his transsactions, contabilities y the way they interact between and others.

Happy new year

Nice post and a happy new year. I personally trade cryptocurrencies. Right now bitcoins is doing a major retracement on the currency chart. Also ripple has a very high potential of shooting higher this year. As you know ripple has become the 2nd largest crypto in the world following bitcoins. We should really keep an eye on this crypto currencies. They have huge potentials.

2018 will be the year of crypto

Interesting perspective and info!
Speculators will come and go and crypto prices will fluctuate, but the blockchain technology will continue to develop and create greater value for people

What a crazy ride full of adventures 2017 has been lets hope this will be even amazing 2018 here we come
May this New Year brings you a peace filled life, warmth and togetherness in your family and much prosperity! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year sir

Happy and prosperous 2018 to us all. More Cryptocurrency to our wallets

2018 is going to be amazing i hope you have a great year :)
Happy New Year

best regards to friendship steemit
guide us so we like you ..
I am still a steemit beginner

I am in the early stages of Steemit. I am completely clueless. 2018 will be my year of learning.

If suddenly my mother starts talking about Bitcoin followed by Steemit I know the bubble is about to explode! She is a good barometer for that!

Have you seen some of the crazy ass stuff going down with Verge today and on their Discord. Lot of passion in Crypto right now.

Nice post keep posting
Happy new year

Good job bro

You've got a new follower here. Check out my blog if you like crypto content, I am new here and I am giving away 1000 bytecoin! Keep up the good work!

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