I have never seen that post idea with a round fence loop and filled with rocks. They look like they are possibly concrete columns faced with rocks from a distance. So cool and good looking. We have a road like that next to one perimeter. Not anywhere near as nice. But there are about 10 motorcycles per day traffic and lots of kids playing in that area. We decided not to put barbed wire because of safety. If someone wrecked and landed on the barbed wire that would be painful. Also the kids playing near it. One strand on the top would work!
Our goal is to keep our livestock in! Here most people let their cows, water buffalo, and goats run free. They come through the yard and ruin almost everything! Plus there are a large number of wild dogs with no shots. Trying to keep them all out, but still keep our place people friendly!
Love the posts in this post! STEEM ACRES IS THE PLACE TO BE!
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