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RE: [Vlog] Facebook CEO Zuckerburg talks cryptocurrencies and decentralising power - should we take him seriously?

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

Since Mark Zuckerberg is thinking of adding ,introducing or incorporating crytocurrency into facebook, i'd prefer or rather propose Reddcoin or Steem. These are awesome and so far the best social digital currencies that i know although steem has it's own socialmedia platform already.We all know it right? :-)
Or they might even develop their own cryptocoin and then name it facecoin or whatever name...haha and we might be surprised how well the coin does in the markets.. As huge and popular as facebook is it might be one of their biggest succesful projects. Lets wait and see. Better be soon though.Twitter , instagram and whatsapp!! What are you waiting for? You should also start thinking about decentralisation and crypto. You cannot run away from it :-) It's the future!!!
Reddcoiners and steemians HODL.
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