What is the purpose of life

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

What is the purpose of life?.

As we grow, we and/or we will find with many questions, some more important than others.

There are many questions that we, but not all of them have an easy answer, as for example, how it is produced the rain?. However, in the meantime search for books and experts that will help to clarify our doubts, many have come to the conclusion that the Bible is the manual that helps us to answer all our questions.

The Bible helps us to understand what is the window from which we must see and understand life, will help us to get to know each other much better, however a little more touching the approach of philosophers to help clarify how we can address this uncertainty.



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What is the purpose of my life?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by all of humanity since the beginning of time. This is a question that naturally makes the people, because they have the ability to make decisions about life. The question is apparently difficult to answer and different for every individual depending on their circumstances.

Not just anyone can give the true reason for our existence, or say what is the meaning of every life in this world, however, we enter in the Bible, we can accomplish the following:

According to the Bible, we know the following:

Isaiah 43:7: To all the so-called in my name, for my glory believes, to which i and form.

Corinthians 10:31: Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

According to the Bible, the purpose of our existence, the reason we are here, is to worship God. Proclaim His Greatness and fulfill His will. This is what glorifies. Therefore, in the above we find that God has given us a reason for our existence; a meaning for our lives. According to your desire, were created by Him, and our lives should be lived for.




However, according to the philosophical point of view, we can make reference to what is described in the mind is wonderful.


In this reference we can characterize the different modes of philosophical influence, the list below allows us to guide us to answer many of the versions on the purpose of our lives:

Hedonism: Living is, above all, to enjoy, to focus our existence in the pleasure.

Materialism: The ultimate purpose is to get more things better.

Altruism: offer to the other is without a doubt our main need in this case.

The sensationalism: to live is to experience more things better, whatever they are.

Psychologism: we aspire to our personal realization according to the Maslow pyramid of needs.

Theism: we focus on a life based on a spiritual or religious code from which to understand the life and our own existence toward a purpose.

Love: live is, above all, to love and to be loved.

Rationalism: we aspire to have vast and different knowledge.

Militarism: live is to fight to survive, often against one or the other.

With this I say goodbye, I hope that this post is useful for readers.

Until then.


Saludos; interesantes sus publicaciones, lo seguiré. Felicitaciones..

Gracias hermano, con gusto haré lo mismo

Interesante publicación. Te animo a seguir profundizando en el tema.

Así sera, con el favor de Dios.