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RE: Flat Earth... does it really matter? Who cares?! In the end, does it effect you, really?

in #vlog7 years ago

Hi you cant debunk flat earth as there is no prove for the globe. Sorry
Sea level is flat like the earth. Horizon always on eye level proves it

The globe is just hollywood promoted fantasy


"Hi you cant debunk flat earth as there is no prove for the globe. Sorry
Sea level is flat like the earth. Horizon always on eye level proves it"

More dishonesty.

A. There is tons of evidence for the globe. You provided no disproofs of the globe, NOR evidence FOR flat earth. Just logical fallacies.

B. "Sea level is flat". No, it's not. Stop being dishonest. Go research tides. The ocean is NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER flat! EVER. If it were. We would not have tides.

EVEN IF the EARTH were flat, your argument that the ocean is level would STILL BE WRONG because we have TIDES. And tides mean that water is ALWAYS curving and is NEVER EVER EVER EVER FLAT NOR LEVEL. You are just simply scientifically wrong.

Stop being a twit and posting your nonsense here.

still waiting for the oceans to find their level.jpg

C. No, the horizon is not always on eye level.

Surveyors have been measuring the curvature of land and water for over a hundred years with a theodolite. There are even theodolite APPS that you can SEE the horizon drop YOURSELF FOR FREE.

Go ahead, put the app on your phone, and go to a tall hotel with an unobstructed view of the horizon. At the lowest floor you have an unobstructed view of the horizon, measure the horizon dip with your app. Then go up 10 floors and measure it again.

Voila. You JUST proved the horizon drops, and that the earth is curved. You can do this at NO COST to you.

But you will not spend a day with a surveyor, nor put the theodolite app on your phone and test this yourself, because if you did, you'd not be able to peddle your cult beliefs, and you'd have to admit you are wrong.

Stop posting your provably false nonsense here. You are a troll.

If you didn't want to use any of that fancy technology because you think that all scientists LIE and that they just make theodolite apps as part of your ridiculous worldwide conspiracy, you could make a leveling rig yourself and do this experiment to watch the horizon dip yourself... no fancy science technology needed.

But you won't.

Plus, doctor 'truth', you said, "Hi you cant debunk flat earth as there is no prove for the globe. "

Again, more illogic that a 'doctor of truth' would not spout. I do not NEED evidence FOR a globe earth to disprove a flat earth. That is a ridiculous statement. A 'doctor of truth' could potentially disprove BOTH of them and have to consider different options. EVEN IF the globe could not be proven (it is, in thousands and thousands of different ways), you could not say that I have to prove the globe in order to disprove the flat earth. That is just nonsense.

In the same way, you cannot PROVE a flat earth even if you could disprove a globe earth. You would STILL have to PROVE your own model. And you can't. Because there are dozens of impossibilities in ANY flat earth model.

And I notice that you did not propose one that DOES, you just 'believe' there is one that can. That is called 'faith', not science or truth.

Horizon always on eye level proves it

Except that it doesn't. You COULD just go take a theodolite app and MEASURE the actual horizon dip... as surveyors have been doing for years, and that you could do for free with an app and a tall building... but you won't.

You do realize that science invented specialized instruments to actually prescisely MEASURE the horizon drop a hundred years ago, right?

And we are so technologically advanced from this SAME science, that you can have a scaled down version of this prescision instrument at your fingertips if you wanted to. For free.

But you obviously are not interested in the reality that anyone can measure the horizon dip and see for themselves. You are more interested in maintaining a ridiculous delusion.

Don't trust those evil technological advances? Hey, you can even use and old school leveling rig and see the horizon dip for yourself.

I'll bet you wont'.