Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Starting a business, learning how to make money, learning how to live your life with self-discipline, pushing through obstacles, and learning to believe in yourself - these things, and many more, are a all a part of it.
Personally, I want to build wooden canoes - hand-built, functional, beautiful, and useful works of art and vehichles for fun and relaxation. This is my dream. It's difficult. It's mine. I hope I get to where I want to be with it, someday. I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I used to be.
I wish you luck and endurance in your endeavors. Find out what your passion truly is, and pursue it as best you can.
Every time somebody tells you that you can not do it - just remember: you are the only one who CAN do it, for you.
Upvoted and resteemed.
So much wisdom in this comment! Thank you for blessing me with what you said and your support! :)
I think your vision sounds freekin awesome! Have you started at all yet on building it? What do you do now?
I am headed over to your blog now :)