This is a gentle reminder to save your information off of TQE.
(copied from UPDATE 3)
Since we do not know who may have access to the TradeQwik servers we highly recommend everyone take screenshots or copy/paste the information in your account. Hold onto it for safe keeping and cross referencing with the consulting tool.
We recommend saving the following screens:
Account Settings (tab)
Copy your login email and VIVA ID number
Dashboard (tab)
Hide 0 Balances then screenshot or copy/paste all tokens into a word doc or excel spreadsheet.
Account History (tab)
Copy your Trade History and your Deposit/Withdrawal History
From my own experience, I had a LTC transaction pending since November. There is no record of it when I sign in to TQE and since it never reached the blockchain my LTC has “vanished”. I managed to save my Discord message to Enrique with date/time, amount, and address.

image source
Please, people, empower yourselves.
If you haven't gathered your correspondence about “stuck” tokens PLEASE DO IT NOW.
It will save you time should your account need a one-on-one consult.
We will continue to post these reminders on Twitter, Basecamp, here on Steemit, as well as email reminders in order to reach the broadest audience. Please spread the word and help empower your fellow community members.
Did it today, thanks!