After making a presentation at Devcon on March 25 2017
Vitalik Buterin
Was approached by an Ethereum fanboy
I was looking
" I noticed you are free tonight"
It had been awhile since Vitalik put on his party shirt .
For the last 8 months Buterin had been
Since Vitalik was done at Devcon
He thought
After travelling the
He wanted to let loose
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Vitalik decide to go to the party
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It had been a few months since Buterin got wasted
When Vitalik arrived at the party he knew it wasn't his type of scene.
He decided he'd just make a quick appearance then head back to the hotel
Before Buterin could leave he had to go up and introduce himself one of his childhood hero's who was in attendence
Vitalik started to get a little more comfortable the longer he smoozed the room. He couldn't taking a little sip from another hero of his .
Everyone at the party was super mellow.
Vitalik started to get the giggles from just being in the room.
All of a sudden Charles Hoskinson showed up all stoned
Oh my god this is too Good! MOAR PLEASE! btw Charles seemed to enjoy also... wait a second... hmmm... only 136 views and @IOHK_Charles tweeted this out yesterday: ~~~ embed:891184753747128320 . Unless Charles is just a constant lurker on steemit or he has good freinds that are ( possible i mean lurking on steemit is great fun but come on) the only other explaination to this is that CHARLES HOSKINSON IS THE AUTHOR ! MEANING THIS IS A TRUE! STORY! Ohhh boy well done Charles please share the rest of your party expeirence we know that what ever happens its all true and its ok.. WE all been der bro! twitter metadata: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 ~~~
Charles Hoskinson tweeted @ 29 Jul 2017 - 06:32 UTC
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Atleast he try something he doesn't like.
@snooper I'm just having some fun on Steemit
Good Luck!This post was resteemed by @resteembot!
in the introduction post.Learn more about the @resteembot project
bullshit post- i flagged it just because