Five years after the stem cell transplant, the American physician Timothy Ray Brown, who is known as 'Berlin Patient' has completely healed from AIDS.Brown and his German physician Dr. W. Brown said that he was recovering from HIV in a symposium on gene therapy in Washington University in St. Louis. Cracker walks. News Washington Post.
In the research of AIDS, Timothy Brown became known as 'The Berlin Patient' because he started treatment there.
In 1995, Brown's body was found to have HIV. He also suffered leukemia in 2006. After giving chemotherapy, stomach transplant was needed in Timothy's blood. At this stage, he was taken care of by his medical expert Dr. Heidelberg University's blood specialist. Cracker walks.
Finding a blood donor who has a rare type of immune system against HIV for stem cell transplant. Walkway Only 1 percent of the North American population have such a rare resistance against HIV virus in their body.
In 2007, transmitted stem cells from the blood donor blood were transplanted. From now on, without any medicines, Brown survives the transmission of HIV.
Dr. Hatter said, "Now, to be sure, the virus has got healed from the HIV virus." Walker also said, within a few weeks of the blood stem cell transplant, Brown began to recover slowly.
Many researchers suspected that the virus had returned to the body once again because of HIV infection. But it is According to the walk, Brown's body has not been HIV-infected again. Researchers have found the remaining parts of the previous viruses.
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Post very good 👋
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Useful postings,
thank you
I like your post and upvoted
thank you
Good information,
Really we need remedy for that
In future,we may success to create the perfect remedies for AIDS
Thank you @abu1997
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