Ever wonder what a scammer named @virtualgrowth looks like in jail? Wonder no more, because here he is!

in #virtualgrowthlast year

Long time, no see 'eh?! Just about three years haha.

Anyways, I'll keep this short and sweet. As many of you know, out of the kindness of my heart, I loaned who I considered a friend roughly 0.09 Bitcoin several years ago. That loan was supposed to be paid back within the month, interest free, just until @virtualgrowth got back home to his private keys. I was trying to help a "friend," out who was currently in a pinch because they were far away from home. Long story short, he ripped me off and did his best to HIDE from me, which failed. Full details here: https://hive.blog/steem/@matt-a/scammer-alert-do-not-trust-virtualgrowth-he-is-currently-scamming

@virtualgrowth STILL to this day refuses to pay me back and needless to say I (obviously) am still pissed and want my Bitcoin back.

So yeah, have you all ever wondered what @virtualgrowth looks like in a mugshot in Florida?! Well let me satiate that wonder. Here's @virtualgrowth 's mugshot from when he landed himself in jail in Florida.


And there you have it!

Anyways, that's all I have for now. This post and all of my others can be easily remedied (deleted) by @virtualgrowth paying me back. We will see if that happens . . . I have no intention to forgive this debt. I have no sympathy for con men, thieves, scammers, liars, and charlatans.

@virtualgrowth, that ball is in your court. You know what to do.

Oooover and out!

  • Matt-A

I still can't believe the nerve of this guy. I remember when this happened that time I came to stay with you. He's been pretty active on his account and I guess is still just acting like you don't exist.

I accidently upvoted my own comment and it wont let me remove it! Lol

Yeah, he's still avoiding it and making excuses when he's confronted about it physically. He's living in Puerto Rico right now, such a hard life . . . His main excuse is his "ears are ringing," not even joking . . .

Bruh. Dude looks like Bill from Bill and Ted, but if he had a crippling meth and alcohol addiction and spent his time harassing people on Tik Tok.

More like a crippling scamming/conning addiction, because from what I can tell that's about all that he knows how to do.

So, do we engage in carpet bombing campaign?

Sshhheeeewwwww . . . I wish I could and it would result in him paying me back, that would settle everything, so I'm assuming he has some kind of fetish for public humiliation, and luckily, I have plenty of humiliation to trickle out.

Thanks for the support, by the way! You rule, I appreciate ya, man.

Nice to see you back, even though it's for something as shitty as this. Saw him around a few times while curating but had forgotten that it was this username who did this.

It's good to be back! Yeah man, after so many years and literally losing the vast majority of my entire life's savings trying to make Steem work after attempting a business that failed and investing so much BTC into Steem, I HAD to take a step back, take my losses, and try to come back from it. Glad to see you still around here going hard! How's Finworld treating ya these days?!

Nice! Still remember this incident dude, happy to see that justice is served hehe! Hope you get your BTC back too, it's not about the money, it's personal hehe!

Sadly him being in jail in this mugshot was completely unrelated to him scamming me. But yeah man, it's very personal at this point. Especially after all the stuff he has said in private chat and seeing him still operating just fine in real life, in face to face conventions, etc with no repercussions. My goal, if he doesn't pay up, is it make sure people know who he is and what he's about when people see him IRL and ban him from his hunting grounds (conventions, community meet ups, etc).

There's a memory not accessed in a long time. Sorry he hasn't made it right. What'd he get thrown in jail for?

pfunk! Glad to see you're still around, man! I'm not sure exactly on his charges, but it happened in Florida so public records about it should be decently available. If I can get it together, I'll try to look into it on pacer.gov.

Please delete all messages and get a restraining order against the blockchain account(s), emails, messenger account(s), person, social media of @matt-a.

Delete everything and restraining order please and thank you.

Please stop threatening me, and delete all of your messages as you've implied you would.

Please refrain from abusive and threatening messages, thank you.


Woah, this rules. You're truly doing, as they say, "the lord's work." Smiting the scum with no mercy, I love it. Thanks for being receptive and actually analyzing the situation, I appreciate that.