The REAL Pussification of the American Male

in #vincentb7 years ago (edited)

Years ago, comedian, George Carlin complained about the increasing puss-ification of the American male.

Little did he know, our government would approve chemicals a few years later that would solidify this observation of our society into genetically modified fact.

Large corporations and governments have been treating the male species since 1999 with a hormone disruptive pesticide labeled Atrazine.

This pesticide is one of the most used weed killer in America. Big farms use over 80 BILLION pounds a year. Home owners, municipalities and road construction crews use almost as much.

Tyrone B. Hayes is an American biologist and professor of Integrative Biology at University of California, Berkeley has made shocking discoveries that prove this popular weed killer is in fact, changing the sex of amphibians, animals and even in humans.

WARNING: this video will deeply disturb you.

For years, our governments have known that this second most popularly used weed killer causes male frogs to become homosexual. They have also known for a number of years, that exposure to this widely used pesticides can turn male penises into vaginas. * I wish I was making this up.

I know this sounds shocking and wildly imaginative, but this is already something known in the biology community for some time, and yet, major news outlets have not sound the alarm. Why have they not shared the biggest story of our time?

atrazine deaths.gif

According to the USGS, most ground water and wells in the US tests positive for this deadly and life changing pesticide.
Some researches say that Atrazine is not the only cause of the mass feminization of amphibians and other wildlife, but city water supplies are polluted with big pharma chemicals like estrogen and other hormone replacement therapies.

Sygenta, the company that produces this toxic weed killer does not allow the use of their own pesticide at their own facility. Why? Their home country has banned the use of this pesticide.

This huge corporation swears that their chemical is safe to spray on our food crops. (about 50% of all salad crops in US)

Sygenta Ag location is : Schwarzwaldallee 215, 4002 Basel, Switzerland

Disclaimer, Sygenta profits BILLIONS on the sale of this chemical

This common weed killer used in large farms and Department of Transportation along public road ways. You can see on any day now until the end of the year, suited up government workers, spraying thousands of gallons of Atrazine and other toxic weed killers along the highways in America.

At home, you are not safe from this treatment. Anyone can walk right into a Lowes, Home Depot or local garden shop and buy as much of this toxic chemical as they like. Hell, your neighbors are probably using it in their own yards.

Our male humans are under attack. Could this treatment be the culprit in the recent growth of homosexuality and confused gender in men and women?

Where else could your son or husband be exposed to this gender bending pesticide?

40% of canned foods found to contain trace amounts of Atrazine

Maternal exposure to atrazine in drinking water has been associated with low fetal weight and heart, urinary, and limb defects in humans. Atrazine has been shown to slow down the development of fetuses in animals, and exposure to high levels ofatrazine during pregnancy caused reduced survival of fetuses. Source

Not only are our men threatened by this chemical in water, food and with weather, then are also exposed to hormone disruptors from BPA plastic found in water bottles and other food containers.



The pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females that are able to mate and successfully reproduce. Here, two male frogs mating. The larger animal on the bottom has been completely feminized by atrazine exposure and can produce viable eggs. Credit: Tyrone B. Hayes, the University of California, Berkeley.

Atrazine is reeking havoc not only in our male populations, but is collectively weakening immune systems of all life on earth. source: Source:

  1. Mass sex change for all boys and men who are exposed to this widely used chemical.

  2. Environmental Contamination

  3. Ecological Impacts

  4. Endocrine disruption

  5. Neural Damage

  6. Pregnancy loss

  7. Reproductive Cancers

  8. Endangered Species

According the the CDC government website, Atrazine has been verified to cause sex change in amphibians and other wildlife.

How is this commonly used pesticide changing the sex life of the male species as a whole?

According to Dr. Hayes official website…
In particular, atrazine inhibits production of testosterone (the male sex hormone) and induces estrogen production (the female sex hormone), upsetting the balance between these two hormones. This effect of atrazine has been observed and published in fish [1, 2], amphibians [3, 4], reptiles [5, 6], and mammals [7-14]. The result is chemical castration (demasculinization) and feminization. In fish [1, 2], amphibians [3, 4, 15-20], and laboratory rodents [7, 8, 10], the decrease in testosterone results in decreased sperm counts, impaired fertility, and a reduction in masculine features. Similarly, atrazine exposure is associated with decreased sperm and reduced fertility in humans [21]. The increase in estrogen by atrazine results in feminization of males in fish, amphibians, and reptiles. “Feminized” male fish [2] and amphibians produce eggs and egg yolk [16, 18] and some males even grow ovaries (become hermaphrodites) [3, 4, 17].

What can you do to protect yourself or children from exposure?

Move to mars apparently. Why? Even in France where Atrazine was banned, scientist are testing rainwater that is still showing positive for the chemical many years after the use of it was banned.

The US is using billions of pounds of this each year. The rain cycle carries this chemical thousands of miles away to cities and even countries that have never used it.

You can reduce your exposure by eating only USDA Certified Organic food products.

Although most people are in shock at the possibilities of causing whole generations of males to become gay, others have found some use for this toxic chemical as a way to combat invasive species. I however do not agree with this idea, but find it an interesting subject. @louisbettong

Do you have other ideas on how to protect men and wildlife from this horrifyingly evil pesticide? Please comment below.

Other Steemians who share more helpful information on atatrizine and its affect on male sexual health. @purpleprose these chemicals are doing the same to humans and other wildlife.

#Vincentb #life #nature #news #health #science


Society has too much trust in the government, they along with big pharmaceutical companies are destroying people. When one goes against the agenda set forth they will find a way to make you seem crazy.

exactly. i am shocked at the amount of toxic chemicals that are used not only in industrial uses, but in medicine, food and even found in our clothes. Did you know that there are over 86,000 approved chemicals being used in the US at any given time?

Chemicals that are banned in other countries, but our so called FDA/government is out to make us all sick and dependent on them. Look at children these days have you ever seen so many disease among children that people think are now normal, diabetes, allergies, eczema, etc. so many contributing factors.