Youtubers That Have Made Me Money! Crypto/Stocks #3

in #vincentb7 years ago (edited)

Paul J Singh
The Market Speculator

Paul has been swing trading the stock market for over a decade. With a free weekly swing trade report, he sets you up with a good stock focus list and overall weekly game plan. Swing trading was my primary focus of trading stocks as I had a regular job that did not allow me to trade during the regular market hours. Paul showed me how to get around that by swing trading. With a free weekly swing report, he sets you up for the upcoming week with a focus list of stocks to watch and game plan on how he plans on tackling the market that week. He also has a website with loads of information like his key setups and how to minimize your losses. Again no links, not an affiliate, DO YOUR DUE "D" LOOK IT UP. Absolutely turned my trading around. Love this guy, definite must for trading. Look him up, smash my upvote, leave a comment so I know who you are and I will follow you back and upvote ALL your content. I will give you another that has made me money tomorrow...Peace!!!


Money is money.

you know it. 127% return on investment with this guy

vincentb upvote

appreciate it got u at the top of my list. Here is another that is also putting in the work