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RE: [Updated Proposal] Creating an Open Source Streaming Framework for Hive

in #vimm7 months ago

This initiative will allow anyone with sufficient technical knowledge to recreate a similar application for the blockchain in the event that VIMM ceases to exist.

I thought VIMM already ceased to exist? It is very likely, that other things are in the works to replace it. I'm rather confused by this, and why now? Why not try for a proposal when you knew you weren't able to maintain things?


The first iteration of VIMM was a passion project I funded myself (with some help from colleagues like @ddrfr33k) for 6 years. It was created quickly without an elaborate plan to fill the void when DLive left. Now, with VIMM 2.0, our aim is to build a sustainable business structured for growth. This required stepping back to completely restructure the business model, ensuring I can now dedicate myself full-time to the project. I didn't want to make a proposal to maintain the old VIMM when I saw that the model wasn't sustainable. This is why we (@chiren and @foreveraverage) waited and created this new plan instead.

Vimm had already done a proposal too get back up and running which resulted in the relaunch, The idea is they'd get enough to get up and running and everything would be back to normal. It ended up not panning out that way.

The key difference with this proposal as too the prior one is to mainly move from a passion project built on spare time to being able to dedicate work to the project.

As @chiren stated in a comment above?/below? the old Vimm model wasn't working anymore, it could have worked if we had more users but being on borrow time as it is and only having spare time to do any work on the project it was pretty much impossible to get out there and market as well as develop with such a small team.

Hope that clarifies some stuff.
@chiren feel free to correct me on anything I may be misremembering.