Second one is a standard meme. It's the "ain't nobody got time for that" meme. This series is called meme the news. The point is that reading news takes too long and it's easier just to flip through a set of memes and get all your news for the week in 3 min of memes. This image seems pretty fitting rather than flagrant racism. If you place judgement on using a meme with a black person in it as racist it's more a reflection of your thoughts than mine.
Calling a person, especially a black person, a coon in the deep south is pretty clearly a racist line in the sand. Antifa strikes me as a bunch of Soros paid left wing white skinned idiots out of Portland Oregon. This is less of calling someone a coon for racism's sake and more funny by the 3rd line where it's spoofing the news where the antifa idiot got hit by a car. The humor is in the car/roadkill line rather than non nonsensically calling the white liberals black racist names. I think you're stretching pretty hard here.
You're welcome to spend your days fighting racism or being a racist for that matter. I'd prefer you do neither on my wall or page.