Meme the News- 5/18/18

in #vietmeme7 years ago

5/18/18... Should be fun today. Should be POWERFUL. SHOULD BE EYE OPENING!!! Will it be the one all seeing eye? Your third eye? it's impossible to tell, but before you read any more be sure to check with your doctor. Meme the News may cause cognitive dissonance, autocatalytic orgasms, and projectile nail growth.

I see predators everywhere

seriously, they're everywhere

Fulcrum said these have stopped. I still see them.

This cop watch film was brutal to watch

Raw milk is better for you.

Gaddafi probably wasn't evil so much as just opposed to the Deep State agenda

Just bad apples murdering people again

Get it... even god failed at prohibition... it doesn't work

The second amendment exists to protect all the others from your government and their enforcers... it's also handy to shoot deer

I wonder if we're gonna see his shitty face again

Makes me nervous

I like this

Israel is one of the biggest violaters of human rights ever

No knock self defense

Sir do you know how black and mental healthy you were being?

Shit ain't safe

I like this lady

Jesus probably wouldn't have been droppin' bombs. He'd also look like a dude from the middle east rather than captain whitey here

Real news

People who are different aren't inherently evil and it's ok to be near them

My heart skipped a beat... say more things my precious about how Hogg is a little shit


A very precise and concise brief on the condition of our world.

2 Why are half of the pictures not uploading? I can only view every other pic? Three questions @aggroed 1 What are we going to do to change all this BS we have been born into?

Great job btw it is all right at the surface. The iceberg below is where the real evil lies. How can we get at and expose that?

With all the school shooting business, you forgot to mention that the IG report has found criminal activity among the DOJ and FBI in the Clinton email probe. The big news today seems to have been covered up by the shooting. Hmmmm.

With the series of shooting all over the U.S, which we all know this is done to further divert attention from investigation going on. I think its should be legal for students/teachers to protect themselves.
Gaddafi was taken down cos he is answerable to just himself. A country with no foreign debt and doesn't request for help from IMF. Nato had to turn everything upside down, I hope they like the new Libya now.

Police all over the world has long forgotten the purpose of it establishment. Rather than protect lives, they take it away.

Seems the world has gone mad. A politician empowering his constituent with shoe shining kit in my country, some people need brain formatting

Lol , beautiful piece...I love this. Thanks

Agree with the brain formatting thing.

Btw, Brain formatting... Isn't this, the enlightment that the thinker is trying to accomplish in the current season of the flash? :D

Events happening around the world shows that the world is expecting a revolution change. Who will savage our generation from this meme we find ourselves? Question begging for answers! Great post @aggroed

Relevance: Memetic Warfare
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

It always makes me chuckle when I see, 'To Protect and Serve' on police cruisers and on the Humvee's fender in the third row of this image. It's amusing that apparently many people actually believe that propaganda BS. The police aren't there to protect and serve jack. They are there to enforce the law. That's why the profession is called 'law enforcement.' But, in a 'Without Rule of Law' (WROL) situation, the paramilitary arm of the police will become a hammer and everyone else will look like a nail.

Good work, Thank you for your participation!

I wonder why nobody says anything when the Palestinians are violent to Israel?

Because they have rocks, knives and bottle-bombs while Israel has $10 million a day in US military aid. Also worth mentioning is the Palestinians lived in Palestine (hence the name) for more than a thousand years and Israel has been stealing their land for 70 years because they claim God gave it to them some 3,000 years ago. You're welcome.

So much yes. Seriously fu*k chemtrails.
RIP sunshine ↓↓
