
Infowars is clearly controlled opposition, sprinkling little bits of truth through huge amounts of bullshit. There are many opposing factions within the shadow government(s), things aren't as simple as they seem.

Trump is no outsider like he's being portrayed by controlled opposition like infowars.

Infowars actually STOPPED covering pizzagate once it became clear it was real, and a few staff seem to have quit/been fired over that.

The answer to that (don't know if any of these things are true) but infowars "would" do that "if" paid by the elites to make a false grassroots movement that could control the main movement of the people they are against. Alex Jones does tell people to wait till the right time to rebel and its not yet. Figure they keep the rebels waiting until its too late. I don't know who pays Alex Jones but if the elites do this would be their tactic. Keep your friends close (main streamers they dont have to worry about much) and keep your enemies closer.

Smooth move replying to yourself so I wouldnt get this notification ..

You're so full of shit noganoo I just went and re-read the convo and I never once said that. Meanwhile:

You're the one who brought this shit up, you started off calling me a fucking nazi because you were butthurt not everybody likes trump.

Drink less dickhead you're a fucking embarrasment

@AusbitBank This @Noganoo douchebag is likely using bots to flag every article I put up with 9 flags. This is some of the worst flaggot censorship I have encountered on Steemit bar none.