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RE: Repairing Old NES Systems For Fun and Profit // How I turned a Hobby Into an eBay Business

in #videogames7 years ago

DUDE now that we have established a possible niche of video game consoles u should show how u can mod an old NES to play EVERY old NESD game plsu other old games by making urown MAME box or somethin maybe using rasberry pie or something

u should also show modded NES console projects liek with LEDs and have a Vaporwave NES or steempunk NES

u should have steem on an OLD nes by enabling a web browser on teh NES

or osmething rediculous like that

maybe build ur own steem browser on an old rasberry pi with LCD and make ur own steemit box i dunno

maybe make a STEEMIT box just a small computer with HDMI and u plug into an HDMi and u can just use a browser and use it to post to steemit! hah


Those are all great ideas. We will see how it goes.