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RE: Flat Earth & NASA Debunked!

in #video7 years ago

Watch Eric Dubay History of the Flat Earth on youtube 2hrs or so. I will 100% upvote all your questions as long as you are sincere haha, I am powering UP SOON too! lol.. I will give you my best answers in a few and you MADE ME SPIT on my screen wasting time(arguing over the shape of the earth is CRAZY!!!but you have to really look) , I am just tired lol. if not tonight then tomorrow, one more thing, this shit WAY more important than money, whales, nice houses or hot chicks. Changed my life at age 46, I am so much happier (though I barely have any friends left)


That was 2 hours of my life that I will never get back. So the globe earth is only a ploy to get tax dollars? Whats on the other side of the disk? Who holds up the transparent moon? Why are you no longer an aethiest? Why did I just waste 2 hours of vacation daylight?

I am SORRY !! It made sense to me lol.
I will upvote you at full power! You are making me laugh so hard. I really do believe earth is flat.
If you made it to the end I think something in the message may have resonated with you.

If NASA was not in space with photo's would you be so confident? The story of eratosthenes is very suspect, how did the two people checking the light communicate with each other and KNOW it was the EXACT time to check?? and other questions. NASA LIES pure ans simple, did you see don pettit say we lost tech to go to the moon????? wtf??

School lies to us. gov lies to us nasa lies to us. the problem is ACCEPTING YOU were LIED too SUCKS but only for a little while. Sometimes it is funny in a sick way. PEACE and upvote to follow lol. sorry about your vaca hours for realz!!! enjoy the rest on that peaceful flat earth.....

I see your side of the govt, school, nasa, etc lying to us. I do. There are plausible arguments. I dont see how believing in God is affected whether flat or ballular. I told a friend that I watched a 2hr video on flat earth and his exact response was "The definition of time wasted : I just watched a 2 hr video on flat earth...".

I believe there is a DOME over our heads(TRU- MAN Show. SOMEBODY or THING built it, for me it was God, especially when I actually read the Bible and all it talks about is LIES , Men deceiving one another, morals in decay and I was like this guyy is good, PLUS this is what connects it, the Bible has Flat earth referebnces as to the shape 100%. It says pillars, 4 corners, watched from atop a mountain-I am generalizing....and lots more. Plus Bible says says the stars are for time,f seasons and stars, how do you keep time in a big bang everything going everywhere for BILLIONS of years?????

INSANE I am PREACHING LOLOLOLOLLLLL Sorry !@ Have a good night and thanks for treating me so nicely, which is NOT EASY I can remember.

Thank you for your upvotes. I like to think I understand the Disk Earthers a bit more. I upvoted your replies with full power, which isnt much, but it's something.

Your welcome, and the up vote from you means alot to me, shit, half my family does not want to deal with me and my new beliefs. I really can understand people looking into Flat Earth and saying there is not enough evidence, its the people who cannot even bring themselves to look that are hard to deal with for me.