News flash, some blood types actually REQUIRE animal proteins for health reasons. Being a non-meat eater for "Oh! They're Killing Animals!" reasons is a steady decline in health for the O blood type. The A blood type can come the closest to vegan and live fairly healthily, they do much better with moderate amounts of proper animal proteins.
I'm not even going to touch flat earth, it's like a religion. Bringing facts into the conversation just makes the ignorant angry.
Humans of all blood types were meant to eat frugivorous diets. There are no blood types that require eating animal carcasses for health, that is just a silly lie you fell for.
Yeah, which is why the O blood type looks like a heroin junkie, after a few years of not eating animal proteins. Being "Out There" impedes your judgement in many, many ways. Work on self awareness of your own particular issues, you'll get further in life and be much happier in the process. :D
Maybe. Especially if I and many others are wrong! I think I am crazed by sharing it because it changed my and my brothers lives for the better almost overnight. I have lost contact with friends and family over this, but I have grown myself and seen others grow.
I am not sure how obvious it was but I do believe earth is flat. It made me change from an atheist for 46 years of my life who always thought about death to one who KNOWS that this was all CREATED and there is a dome over our heads and God built this . I understand the confusion over the subject, it is my belief that is caused by the cognative dissonance that occurs when watching evidence that directly contradicts everything you believe. I really appreciate you n the time to comment post, it is a pretty unpopular thing to be interested in often said like you said to be a waste of time.
Got you. So you do believe its flat... what do you gain by believing we are on a disk and not a sphere? So there may have been astronaut footage in a pool of water... is every other celestial body that appears circular all the time mean that all the other disks are always facing us? You've never seen a rocket launched into the atmophere? Does it make circles on one side of the disk? Again, we are spinning wheels on the subject going nowhere. Wasting time and resources. I think B.O.B. Only wants attention and is trolling people. Wasting their time.
I think YOU LISTEN BETTER than most of the Flat Earthers haha. I have had two different flat earthers attack me not realizing I was trolling ball earthers lol. People do in general do NOT LISTEN ANYMORE, they just come up with their own reality, I have found myself doing a few times my self, it hard to be FULLY self aware.
For me it is not just the pool of water. It is the flat horizon, it is a bubble "LEVEL" as we ALL know it, water sticking to a ball spinning 1,000 per hour seems reasonable because at a VERY young age that belief was installed into me so I would auto accept, and I did.
I am not TRYING to TRICK ball believers, I have a friend who have been talking with bout Flat Earth and when I tell him my evidence, I believe rather than ACTUALLY consider the evidence as POSSIBLE he usually runs to youtube to the latest debunking video on the subject watches it than parrots information he has NO WAY of understanding. I try to accept only evidence that I can see , touch, feel, and understand not stuff that I am told anymore, and TV I consider "telling me".
I do not know if you believe in God. I did not , I am 47 now. Just 10 months ago I learned flat earth at age 46 and up until that time I was 100% big bang, no god I KNEW.
Flat Earth PROVES God to me and 1,000's of others, changed my life for the better and I want to help spread the word, especially to OPEN MINDED people who are READY like YOU!!!
I KNOW I sound like a KOOK. I KNOW IT, so do all the other flat earthers. I have no interest in being the butt of jokes niether do all the other flat earthers this is about A MASS AWAKENING!! join me!!
Whats the evidence of a flat earth? The horizon looking flat? If you put a flea on top of a ball with the diameter of Texas, you think it's going to see curvature on the ball's horizon? Is the moon flat as well? I could be commenting on some other whale's posts hoping for a huge tip. I'm here spinning wheels with you...
Watch Eric Dubay History of the Flat Earth on youtube 2hrs or so. I will 100% upvote all your questions as long as you are sincere haha, I am powering UP SOON too! lol.. I will give you my best answers in a few and you MADE ME SPIT on my screen wasting time(arguing over the shape of the earth is CRAZY!!!but you have to really look) , I am just tired lol. if not tonight then tomorrow, one more thing, this shit WAY more important than money, whales, nice houses or hot chicks. Changed my life at age 46, I am so much happier (though I barely have any friends left)
That was 2 hours of my life that I will never get back. So the globe earth is only a ploy to get tax dollars? Whats on the other side of the disk? Who holds up the transparent moon? Why are you no longer an aethiest? Why did I just waste 2 hours of vacation daylight?
Your senses are stupid, and this has been proven by science in many different fields of research. Relying on your physical senses will get you killed as a pilot. Same is true in many other areas. At least this one only makes you 'look' stupid, without making you or others bleed.
See my reply to the zombie alexpmorris, he needs some real help.
Well, it only makes me question more your research skills, as I doubt you even spent 1 minute going through my past posts, while asking others (on a New Year's post!) to waste spend hours watching documentaries that have all been thoroughly debunked.
here, such discussions tend to be futile...And since, as I commented to @mobbs
great stuff nonetheless, though in the end unfortunately most people will believe what they want and find all sorts of ways to support and justify their worldview, erroneous as it may be.
... I will share this with you, that perhaps you will also appreciate, and that we just might both agree upon:
Ha Ha . Seriously. I have a friend and everything I tell him about flat earth (I believe) he goes to youtube and finds a debunking video that is always because of gravity this, because of gravity that, so I figured I would put some truth in a flat earth debunking video since that is where people run to when the shit gets REAL! If you are really interested to see very good evidence- Watch Eric Dubay History of The Flat Earth, or Jeranism he is all about NASA being a bunch if LIARS which they are, then ODD TV is good also.
People who want to learn about flat earth watch flat earth videos, people who want to hide from flat earth watch flat earth debunking videos. At least thats my guess. PEACE and sorry to confuse you
Why? Are you one who is? How does the fact that we faked going to the moon have to do with proving flat earth? The boats on the horizon videos were interesting.. so I'm confused why you would troll and debunk them? Sorry @zoomtruth.. I have so many questions! :)
I think it is a natural inclination of many who first hear flat earth and get annoyed by the people saying it is true to go to DEBUNKING videos FIRST, then they feel armed with REAL explanations as to why certain things happen that they otherwise could not explain. Usually the explanations are as dubious sounding as mine, so I figured I would disguise MY truth in their bullshit LIES!
Does that make any sense? You cannot have flat earth with REAL SPACE. SPACE IS FAKE! And you asking QUESTIONS PUT A HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE!
NO other QUESTIONS? Why does some of that seem weird?? Nothing... No one thinks it is EXTREMELY STRANGE a bunch of people came to this conclusion, how?
Hey brother,
I can't bravo sierra you and claim I watched the Eric Duvay video you shared on your resolution post. I am 90% sure I watched it already as the flat earth awakening phenomenon sparked my intrigue not quite a year ago.
The flat earth thing is interesting. I'd claim I have researched (watched youtube and read articles) at least 50+ hours worth from both sides. You got to admit it can be frustrating navigating through youtube because every pro flat earth video contains "proof" that we're on a disk (or at least not a ball). ALOT of it is very compelling.
I don't know what we're on, and don't really care. The small sun will continue to dance above our disc or we will continue to spin around the sun.
Maybe I'm just asleep or a sheep or some other dehumanizing term most flat earthers (not necessarily you) use to describe skeptics. What we're on takes back seat to what we're doing to what we're on for me at least.
So far you're my favorite steemit friend, I'm looking forward to our friendship.
Thats cool. I could be dead wrong for sure, but freaking NASA are such HUGE liars that I KNOW those MF's hiding something lol. yeeeesh If I am wong about flat earth though, that will be awkward lol! Be careful and DO NOT Up Vote everyone or your upvote will not carry any weight. I watched jerry banfield videos about steemit on youtube to learn about the whole platform here and it is pretty cool, not sure if you know how to use it or not so that your are most effective, I am still learning.
I'll be looking out for your posts, follow my followers if you want to pick up a few. ttyl
Right on brother, I'm about educate myself on the up vote thing like right now. So a huge thanks for the heads up on that.
I do subscribe to the notion NASA are a bunch liars, the string pullers are at least. Like most govt entities its departmentalized to the max. Some schmuck putting bolts together in the hanger probably isn't wise to the deception, or at least I'd like to think so.
And I Thought The Guys I Work With
are delusional. sigh
News flash, some blood types actually REQUIRE animal proteins for health reasons. Being a non-meat eater for "Oh! They're Killing Animals!" reasons is a steady decline in health for the O blood type. The A blood type can come the closest to vegan and live fairly healthily, they do much better with moderate amounts of proper animal proteins.
I'm not even going to touch flat earth, it's like a religion. Bringing facts into the conversation just makes the ignorant angry.
Humans of all blood types were meant to eat frugivorous diets. There are no blood types that require eating animal carcasses for health, that is just a silly lie you fell for.
Yeah, which is why the O blood type looks like a heroin junkie, after a few years of not eating animal proteins. Being "Out There" impedes your judgement in many, many ways. Work on self awareness of your own particular issues, you'll get further in life and be much happier in the process. :D
Too much energy is spent on this subject. Its like people starting an argument for the sake of wasting time. Its all spinning wheels going nowhere.
Maybe. Especially if I and many others are wrong! I think I am crazed by sharing it because it changed my and my brothers lives for the better almost overnight. I have lost contact with friends and family over this, but I have grown myself and seen others grow.
I am not sure how obvious it was but I do believe earth is flat. It made me change from an atheist for 46 years of my life who always thought about death to one who KNOWS that this was all CREATED and there is a dome over our heads and God built this . I understand the confusion over the subject, it is my belief that is caused by the cognative dissonance that occurs when watching evidence that directly contradicts everything you believe. I really appreciate you n the time to comment post, it is a pretty unpopular thing to be interested in often said like you said to be a waste of time.
Got you. So you do believe its flat... what do you gain by believing we are on a disk and not a sphere? So there may have been astronaut footage in a pool of water... is every other celestial body that appears circular all the time mean that all the other disks are always facing us? You've never seen a rocket launched into the atmophere? Does it make circles on one side of the disk? Again, we are spinning wheels on the subject going nowhere. Wasting time and resources. I think B.O.B. Only wants attention and is trolling people. Wasting their time.
I think YOU LISTEN BETTER than most of the Flat Earthers haha. I have had two different flat earthers attack me not realizing I was trolling ball earthers lol. People do in general do NOT LISTEN ANYMORE, they just come up with their own reality, I have found myself doing a few times my self, it hard to be FULLY self aware.
For me it is not just the pool of water. It is the flat horizon, it is a bubble "LEVEL" as we ALL know it, water sticking to a ball spinning 1,000 per hour seems reasonable because at a VERY young age that belief was installed into me so I would auto accept, and I did.
I am not TRYING to TRICK ball believers, I have a friend who have been talking with bout Flat Earth and when I tell him my evidence, I believe rather than ACTUALLY consider the evidence as POSSIBLE he usually runs to youtube to the latest debunking video on the subject watches it than parrots information he has NO WAY of understanding. I try to accept only evidence that I can see , touch, feel, and understand not stuff that I am told anymore, and TV I consider "telling me".
I do not know if you believe in God. I did not , I am 47 now. Just 10 months ago I learned flat earth at age 46 and up until that time I was 100% big bang, no god I KNEW.
Flat Earth PROVES God to me and 1,000's of others, changed my life for the better and I want to help spread the word, especially to OPEN MINDED people who are READY like YOU!!!
I KNOW I sound like a KOOK. I KNOW IT, so do all the other flat earthers. I have no interest in being the butt of jokes niether do all the other flat earthers this is about A MASS AWAKENING!! join me!!
Whats the evidence of a flat earth? The horizon looking flat? If you put a flea on top of a ball with the diameter of Texas, you think it's going to see curvature on the ball's horizon? Is the moon flat as well? I could be commenting on some other whale's posts hoping for a huge tip. I'm here spinning wheels with you...
Watch Eric Dubay History of the Flat Earth on youtube 2hrs or so. I will 100% upvote all your questions as long as you are sincere haha, I am powering UP SOON too! lol.. I will give you my best answers in a few and you MADE ME SPIT on my screen wasting time(arguing over the shape of the earth is CRAZY!!!but you have to really look) , I am just tired lol. if not tonight then tomorrow, one more thing, this shit WAY more important than money, whales, nice houses or hot chicks. Changed my life at age 46, I am so much happier (though I barely have any friends left)
That was 2 hours of my life that I will never get back. So the globe earth is only a ploy to get tax dollars? Whats on the other side of the disk? Who holds up the transparent moon? Why are you no longer an aethiest? Why did I just waste 2 hours of vacation daylight?
Your senses are stupid, and this has been proven by science in many different fields of research. Relying on your physical senses will get you killed as a pilot. Same is true in many other areas. At least this one only makes you 'look' stupid, without making you or others bleed.
since this is a more "appropriate"everything that @mobbs had debunked about "flat earth". place to talk about this stuff, I'll just thank @fastindemand for responding, which basically reiterates
And as for your statement:
Well, it only makes me question more your research skills, as I doubt you even spent 1 minute going through my past posts, while asking others (on a New Year's post!) to
wastespend hours watching documentaries that have all been thoroughly, such discussions tend to be futile...And since, as I commented to @mobbs
... I will share this with you, that perhaps you will also appreciate, and that we just might both agree upon:
The Story of Your Enslavement -- Stefan Molyneux
Ok.. I'm completely confused now.
It makes so much sense now. Thanks. lol
Ha Ha . Seriously. I have a friend and everything I tell him about flat earth (I believe) he goes to youtube and finds a debunking video that is always because of gravity this, because of gravity that, so I figured I would put some truth in a flat earth debunking video since that is where people run to when the shit gets REAL! If you are really interested to see very good evidence- Watch Eric Dubay History of The Flat Earth, or Jeranism he is all about NASA being a bunch if LIARS which they are, then ODD TV is good also.
People who want to learn about flat earth watch flat earth videos, people who want to hide from flat earth watch flat earth debunking videos. At least thats my guess. PEACE and sorry to confuse you
There are lots of people who are finding the Earth is Flat. Please take a listen.
Why? Are you one who is? How does the fact that we faked going to the moon have to do with proving flat earth? The boats on the horizon videos were interesting.. so I'm confused why you would troll and debunk them? Sorry @zoomtruth.. I have so many questions! :)
I think it is a natural inclination of many who first hear flat earth and get annoyed by the people saying it is true to go to DEBUNKING videos FIRST, then they feel armed with REAL explanations as to why certain things happen that they otherwise could not explain. Usually the explanations are as dubious sounding as mine, so I figured I would disguise MY truth in their bullshit LIES!
Does that make any sense? You cannot have flat earth with REAL SPACE. SPACE IS FAKE! And you asking QUESTIONS PUT A HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE!
Aha!! Now it's starting to make sense!! How do you do steemit chat.. have you figured that out on here yet? We should talk :) it looks like we get auto signed in I guess
i'm on there but not sure how to find you
k hmmmmmm..... no clue at all what I am doing . time to google
NO other QUESTIONS? Why does some of that seem weird?? Nothing... No one thinks it is EXTREMELY STRANGE a bunch of people came to this conclusion, how?
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Hey brother,
I can't bravo sierra you and claim I watched the Eric Duvay video you shared on your resolution post. I am 90% sure I watched it already as the flat earth awakening phenomenon sparked my intrigue not quite a year ago.
The flat earth thing is interesting. I'd claim I have researched (watched youtube and read articles) at least 50+ hours worth from both sides. You got to admit it can be frustrating navigating through youtube because every pro flat earth video contains "proof" that we're on a disk (or at least not a ball). ALOT of it is very compelling.
I don't know what we're on, and don't really care. The small sun will continue to dance above our disc or we will continue to spin around the sun.
Maybe I'm just asleep or a sheep or some other dehumanizing term most flat earthers (not necessarily you) use to describe skeptics. What we're on takes back seat to what we're doing to what we're on for me at least.
So far you're my favorite steemit friend, I'm looking forward to our friendship.
Thats cool. I could be dead wrong for sure, but freaking NASA are such HUGE liars that I KNOW those MF's hiding something lol. yeeeesh If I am wong about flat earth though, that will be awkward lol! Be careful and DO NOT Up Vote everyone or your upvote will not carry any weight. I watched jerry banfield videos about steemit on youtube to learn about the whole platform here and it is pretty cool, not sure if you know how to use it or not so that your are most effective, I am still learning.
I'll be looking out for your posts, follow my followers if you want to pick up a few. ttyl
Right on brother, I'm about educate myself on the up vote thing like right now. So a huge thanks for the heads up on that.
I do subscribe to the notion NASA are a bunch liars, the string pullers are at least. Like most govt entities its departmentalized to the max. Some schmuck putting bolts together in the hanger probably isn't wise to the deception, or at least I'd like to think so.