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RE: Enough Covaids And NATO Horse Shit To Keep Europe Warm This Winter

in #video2 years ago

This is the future Macron voters chose. This is what leftists want. Thank Obama (just kidding. Obama is just a figurehead who represents the WEF banksters)! This becomes utterly obvious in the chart you later show that reveals the growth in central bank assets, which shows that the 'collapse' in 2008 was actually simply theft by fraud that dramatically increased the wealth of the wealthiest, and then in 2020, in fiat and financial terms. I have long recognized that fiat and financial wealth was a scam, and undertaken to earn goodwill instead of mere money. The goodwill I earn is not able to generate oligarch profits that the WEF banksters can parasitize, taxable events, cannot be limited to particular transactions or type of transaction, nor can expire except on the expiration of individuals, in particular my own expiration.

The supposition that freedom is absolute is only true if ignorance is absolute. Either we are all responsible to one another, or there is no point to existence. It is pointless to postulate we are meaningless. I observe we have meaning to one another, and therefore existence has meaning. That meaning is valuable, and all but confined to our social investment. This is why goodwill is the underlying wealth humanity can possess. For this reason I encourage folks to have value to their communities, and thereby build the foundation of the paradise today incipient.
