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RE: Guy gets handcuffed for asking girl if she's a mom

in #video8 years ago

Time marker 1:15 - black guy is in his face taunting him about being on camera with body language that indicates trouble as the girls start to get physical.

Time marker 2:40 - he says "anyways, they eventually released me" not the booked me or held me overnight. he was only pulled from a situation before it could escalate


Well, yeah, no one claims he was being put in jail. But It doesn't seem to me like they arrested him because it was so tense a situation. But I can be wrong. Anyway, a good job by the police would have been to calm down the situation and perhaps escort him outta there. Not rob him of his freedom by putting him in cuffs. Have you ever been put in cuffs? It's not a nice experience to be taken away your physical freedom. It SHOULD be a very serious thing to do, not something that's done on random.

I have relatives and friends who are in law enforcement that have explained similar scenarios before. Sometimes they will take away a guy to diffuse a situation who has not necessarily committed a "crime" but he is the focus of a potential problem. It is easier to remove the one negative element than to break up a fight, arrest 5 drunks or actually tazer one of them. In this instance I will agree it could have been done without actually cuffing the guy. Maybe even just given him an escort back to his car with a lecture to leave the drunks alone. I do understand the tactics in play here though.

What is weird to me is that I watched this video ready to be appalled our police officers were doing something wrong. I was ready to cry "foul" and stand by the right to free speech. Then I saw what actually happened and found myself having to defend the actions of the officers :P