US Terrorist Attack on Nordstream Pipeline On Shemitah End Day to Destroy Europe

in #video2 years ago

US Terrorist Attack on Nordstream Pipeline On Shemitah End Day to Destroy Europe

Famous last words before Russia drops a nuke on the US: “I did not have the CIA blow up that pipeline…”. We warned you of vaccine mandates and passports and rampant inflation… Now we’re warning you about social credit scores, CBDCs, energy rationing and climate lockdowns.

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Anarchapulco Tickets:

Intro vid: Europe - The Final Countdown:

Outro vid: Jill to Joe Biden: "You go down this way." -

Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that." ~~~ embed:1574685985115607040 twitter metadata:UGFydGlzYW5naXJsfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1BhcnRpc2FuZ2lybC9zdGF0dXMvMTU3NDY4NTk4NTExNTYwNzA0MHw= ~~~

January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

Condoleezza Rice in 2014: "You want to change the structure of energy dependence. You want to depend more on the North America energy platform … to have pipelines that don't go through Ukraine & Russia"

Norway-Poland Baltic Pipeline Inaugurated on the same day Nordstream is blown up…

European Energy Crisis:

Nord Stream Gas Leak Could Lead to Climate Disaster:

"Most important thing with a hurricane is to get vaccinated. Everything is more complicated if you don't!" -

Bank of England Does Emergency Rate Hike:

Ukraine joins NATO:

Jackie are you here - where is Jackie - Joe Biden:
~~~ embed:1575194153188614145 twitter metadata:ZGlzY2xvc2V0dnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9kaXNjbG9zZXR2L3N0YXR1cy8xNTc1MTk0MTUzMTg4NjE0MTQ1fA== ~~~

“Nobody will be safe unless everyone is vaccinated…” -Klaus Schwab
What a fucking Liar -

Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson developed Bell's palsy two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.:

Australian National Review - WEF Says 'Billions' Who Complied With Lockdown Restrictions Will Also Comply With 'Social-Credit Scheme”:

New Zealand Prime Minister Calls For A Global Censorship System...referring to a global censorship coalition as a “light-touch approach to disinformation”:




Check out today’s video..!


The opening memery was definitely worth the price of admission. The contrast between the Glam Rock of the 80s Europe (the band) epitomized, and what is coming this winter for Europe (the nation(s)) could hardly be more stark. It was also funny as hell.

It's hard to overestimate the consequences of the nerfing of NorfStream to Europe.

The signs and wonders are seductive, but standing on first principles secures reason. There are solutions to all of the systemic challenges arising, and they all require not depending on the failing systems. Decentralization, the possession and application of independent means of production, is the real definition of wealth, freedom, and security, and the ongoing destruction of the supply lines, that enable collective dependence on centralization, are making it all but impossible to be unaware of the necessity to provide the essential resources ourselves we depend on for our lives, prosperity, and felicity.


Keep up the good work! Your videos give us hopes for the future! Best wishes from Norway🇳🇴.

"I sees za need fur a great reset. Owning nuthing, being happy, paying us a carbon tax while EATING ZE BUGS vill help solve zee klimate krisis. Fur more information, read mein buch called Ze Great Reset.

Heil Greta und ze new king, who naturally is a member of ze Vorld Economic Forum und under mein control."

It's true, only eating zhe bugz can solve zhe klimate krisis!

Yes, don't forget about eating ze bugz lol

Every time you release a video I buy another prep item! If everybody who watches your videos did the same we would soon have an army of prepared people. Dont ever stop making videos Jeff :)

You are on the right path!

I want know who fuck down votes all this videos here

themarkymark and buildawhale (same guy)

Ah ... that dick .... ok ..ok I see now . Yeh this whale not have head, lot have problem what this user.

You need to argue more strongly with them in the Discord HIve room so everyone in that room is bickering about what's going on, and ask exactly what the problem is, since this is already too long-term harassment.... and it makes HIVE look very bad , you ... you need to dell them your little team has big pages out there what lot follow that can bring a bad taste to the whole HIV if this kind of harassment continues. I personally see these local HIVE whales raping this whole HIVE platform every day here, and the fact that these posts are 99% 0 lot times what you do here is very big harassment.

I have tried (and am still trying) taking to heart any concerns people may have and instantly correcting. I have also been in the Discord channels and talking to people on Hive as well. Some has reacted positively, but there are some like Mark that don't care because of his hatred towards Jeff. Anyone remotely linked to him gets hammered. We have a Turkish friend who lost his house and is an artist. He did the intro video for us way back. I told him to go on Hive and post his art and because I mentioned him in a post he got instantly -90 in downvotes on his post and now doesn’t seem to want to do it anymore.

I'm just in Hive Discord room ... come say also Hi now there .... lets try more . I not want make busy ,but ... more words in there room put lot times open their mouths lot more.

Which one are you in? I am in the Hivewatchers, Hive-DR and The Teminal. Is your handle the same on there?

Excellente' Jeff and team freedom! I finally got my Hive account ;) You sound amazing Jeff, very inspiring to see you drop the legalised poison "alcohol" and embrace immortality, you're looking and sounding great! Hoping to escape the confines of Ozjailya to join Anarchapulco 2023.. One love

Welcome to Hive. Good way to make a few bucks while watching vids and interacting :)

I am starting to wonder if you're telling the truth I have never seen that dog eat a taco once show us the tacos

Lucy doesn't like people watching her eat much less people recording her while eating. You will have to take my word for it ;)

Head of the snake in Scandinavia is the Wallenberg family in Sweden. The execution is performed by rich families in Norway like the Brundtland family. I highly recommend looking them up. Wallenberg is an old Nazi family that goes way back.

Another great update thank you Vigilante Team!

Thank you for using our platform!

yw much love ty for your epic contributions brother!!!

It also seems like someone killed the former ceo of a potential repairing company of the pipelines with a plane "accident". This obvious murder was done 3 weeks before the terrorist attack on the pipelines. Thats very strange at least.
Here is an article about the flight:

The webside of the company where they express their compassion about the sudden death of their leadership (the webside only shows it in german language).

Also North Stream is pretty symbolic. Its like the band or connection between (mostly) Germany and Russia is cut for good like US-Thinktanks always planned.

I myself will stay in Germany. This winter will be hard but somehow doable. But 2023 will be a hack of a year for sure. Interesting times Jeff, interesting times.

Good luck in Germany ... I am luckily left ...

If I'd have to guess, I'd say the CGI dragon was probably only visible on the screens for the live audience, then it was edited in later into the recorded footage as well. China's "second Sun" could have been just a massive drone with a big a$$ light bulb on it.

Germany, where the largest search term may be "firewood" certainly could have done it to support their climate agenda which must include eugenics.

And they can burn shit, if necessary ...

How should Spanish farmers protect their crops against 3 million hungry Madrileños? People from the cities will just go get the crops before they are even ripe. It's gonna be total chaos.

Gonna need a lot of ammo then.

I think in Spain the guns were taken away from the people right after the civil war. Or maybe later. Anyway, we don't have guns in Europe. Not legally anyway. I wouldn't know where or how to get one either.

I know, I'm from Europe as well :)
I guess the only safe way to get some guns here is to 3D-print them, although I haven't tried it yet, as money is quite tight right now.

russia definitely blew up the pipeline that they spent millions on

Sure, makes perfect sense.

The Crypto Vigilante is lying to subscribers. Monero is not scalable, blockchain is 140GB already at 4 transactions per second.
Monero transactions are shuffled and stored on the blockchain forever, not safe.
Epic Cash is the solution, scalable, transactions are not stored on the blockchain, Epic Cash has no addresses.
With new GUI 4 wallet you can send transactions over Tor.

Pirate Chain also not scalable, Epic Cash is building whole ecosystem.

You must learn natural law from Mark Passio to understand that ALL governments are based on coercion, theft and violence.

The Crypto Vigilante is lying to subscribers. Monero is not scalable, blockchain is 140GB already at 4 transactions per second.
Monero transactions are shuffled and stored on the blockchain forever, not safe.
Epic Cash is the solution, scalable, transactions are not stored on the blockchain, Epic Cash has no addresses.
With new GUI 4 wallet you can send transactions over Tor.

Pirate Chain also not scalable, Epic Cash is building whole ecosystem

This is The Dollar Vigilante. Looks like you made a double post here as well.