Things NOBODY Told Us About Mexico

in #video7 years ago

Before coming to Mexico, we did a lot of research, watched tons of videos, and asked a lot of questions. Despite that, there are still a lot of things we never found out.

Now that we've been traveling in Mexico for almost four months, we're reflecting on the stuff no one warned us about in Mexico. These may be things that the average citizen considers normal facts about Mexico, but they were strange to us for a while. Some of them we still find a little difficult to navigate.

Watch the full video below:

Or, watch it directly on YouTube here

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Until next time,

(and Laska the Siberian Husky) @sharingeverybite (Maddie) @shenanigator (Jordan)

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Greetings, tangerinetravel

His name here in Brazil is better known as mexericatravel hehehe

How nice they made that trip. I unfortunately can not have a life with many trips, because the money I earn working can not do that. I need to pay the house bills and take care of my dog. The expenses with this here in Brazil are expensive. However, next year steemit will help me to change this profile and be able to travel more !!

When I do this, I want to meet those cool places that you post.

Thanks for the post and good night !!!!!

I trust Steemit will help change things for better
Travelling helps one unravel treasures in places
I hope to visit Brazil someday

We all want to spend a spring break in Mexico
Where popular festivals
And views of happiness in the faces of people
How I loved it so much ..

Well Mexico wasn't a mess after all, come to Nigeria, you'll sure have a lot to talk about. A LOT! LOL

Good point lol

What a dream to be in Mexico for 4 months! I love the video. Both of you are sooo good in front of the camera! I can't even make a normal face for a picture 🤣 standing in front of a camera and being as confident as you both are sounds like something I could never put together. But back to the video.. thank you for the summary, I am happy to have the information about the lemons and the limes 😊

Maddie's very good in front of the camera, but I (Jordan) still feel like I struggle a lot!! I'm trying to have better camera presence and hope I'm improving a bit. Neither one of us ever thought we'd have a YouTube channel and I never thought I'd be any good in front of a camera. But, with practice, hopefully it will improve.

I love your channel and I'm sure you'll become even more confident with practice. Looking forward to your future adventures :)

You most definitely can't learn everything about a particular place at a time....
For some, you'll have to discover it yourself...
Thanks for sharing though

No matter how much research you do, there's always more to learn!

They are great guys I would love to visit South America, I'm dying to see them here, it would be great

What should be our first South American destination?

I am from Venezuela, but do not come that would be the last place that I would invite you to go, but you can go to Machu Picchu Peru, Rio de Janeiro Brasil.Wow! here is everything to enjoy

Saw this vid yesterday, and sometimes I forget to leave a comment anymore, because I'm just glad to know how you enjoy Mexico and have fun learning experiences in between! 😊

Will watch your new vid now, see you on Youtube @tangerinetravels! Cheers and more power!

Awesome, thanks for watching! :D

Hahahaha this is new to me too. I have always known you have to flush your toilet paper down after use. Like Jordan said, might be due to their drainage system build up, but still strange though.

From the videos I have seen so far, no doubt, Mexico is that, Mexico is huge. And I feel they are on the hill side too hahaha so much climbing even while walking. I really like it though.

Oh! I remember that video. The generous lady who wouldn't be paid for fixing Maddie's backpack. She left a very good impression on my mind that day. She is really amazing. Your good hearts always lead you to nice people, so I shouldn't be too surprised too.

One thing I have come to learn is that, being in a place, people learn quicker and faster and even more than they have been told or read on the surface. I am glad you are learning things with experiences which will make you even explain better to people how things are there, like you habe been doing for us all.

Lime is definitely different from Lemon, not only in size but also in taste.

Thank you for sharing this. You are shaping most of us who haven't been there and preparing us for what to expect. This is really valuable and thanks for always putting your best into your videos you put out. Always appreciated.

I love these videos. What a better way to create excitement towards your dreams of travel. I am currently traveling the US, but want to start traveling the world in the next 2 years. Mexico is at the top of my list. I have been to Mexico, but only on a cruise with a quick port stop. Cruise ports have no comparison of a country's true culture and people. Great Job!

Thank you :) Glad to have you watching them!! A trip around the US, that's pretty awesome!! It looks like you just started your journey. Do you have any idea how long your trip around the US will take you?

Maddy should marry me instead of Jordan.

Sorry, I'm afraid she only marries professional gamers, not noobs.

Thanks for sharing this with the community. It always nice to read something that is done with passion.

We're learning more things about Mexico thanks to you two lovely people! Keep the travelling fun always :)

Thanks for watching and commenting, as always!!

Thank you, you have a lot of curiosity to know. All of your curiosity helps us to get courage. Follow us and vote.

mexico is a great country

We've pretty much fallen in love with it :)

I like your post

Travel makes us experienced day by day. And gather lots of knowledge about the world. Your curious mind get you new experience. Please carry on to share your great experience with us @TangerineTravels.

Tenginetravel greetings and congratulations to you

His name in Brazil is known as Mesricotwell Hehe

I do not know how to make that trip beautiful, because I can not have a life with many trips unfortunately, I can not work that earn revenue. I need to pay house bills and take care of my dogs. This cost to Brazil is expensive here. However, next year Steve Smith will help me change this profile and will be able to travel more !!

When I do this, you want to fill the cool places you post.

Thanks for the posting and good night !!!!

@tangerinetravels, If you come to Aceh, there is much you can search for. I hope you go to Aceh..LoL😂

Mexico seems to be the place to go lately. Someone I know is even moving there permanently this week. Are you guys planning on living there forever , or moving back to the states eventually?

I have fallen in love with watching these videos! You give very pertinent information for anyone who is wanting to travel to Mexico. It's insightful and humorous at the same time! Can't wait for your next adventure video!

My husband refuses to go to Mexico, because of the drug wars that apparently are happening according to the news. I grew up without air conditioning. Youjust found ways to cool down.

Haha, the toilet paper thing is common in all Latin American countries I have been to (Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru). Nice video. Enjoy your travels.

When I was down there I went on a huge shopping spree. When I got back to my hotel I realized I had purchased more than I could pack. I attempted to return a lot of the merchandise and no one had told me that many stores don't have a return policy like in the US. It was mostly as is and some had an exchange policy. No refunds.

I heard something about San Blas. If you guys still around, check out San Pancho. I saw a bunch of dolphins jumped a few times and I saw WHALE! During 2 weeks camping. So damn beautiful place! ❤️