
Wow, what a crazy concept! Sounds pretty fun though! Thanks for sharing :)

Interesting, not sure how i feel about this one but interesting none the less

It is a novelty only. Cool...but a novelty. However some Cryptokitties, virtual cats, sold up to 100K last year. Some are 25K now.

There is a new movie out "Ready Player One" which exectly shows the daily life with VR

I will need to check this one out. I am embracing the VR world. However we must maintain our connection to nature as much as possible other whys we desensitise and disconnect.

we'll see if it gets better or equals cryptokitties, it's a competitive market now, I saw similar projects there

It will appeal to a certain market demographic. Not for everyone however in time they will find different subject matter and platform styles to suit more tastes and personal preferences.

That really sounds intimidating and cool in a way :)

It might be a great one if it gets adopted my the racing gamers ;)

Lets hope for the best !

I think you will see collaborations between real time racers and these types of platforms. New age of community driven incentives and relationships.

interesting concept now that's something so cool
