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RE: My Video Blog/Vlog- "Has Christianity Been Abandoned?" Let's talk about it....

in #video7 years ago

You have Financial babylon, Political Babylon, and Religious Babylon Acts 7:43. Religious Babylon has taken over the "church". Just like when the priests conspired to kill YaShuah. They have conspired and crept in and cause the churches to babel just like in Babylon (Jude). Ruak HaKodesh will dwell with those that worship in ruak and in truth. Those that offer up sacrifices of praise and worship, getting equipped. When the latter rain comes in this new army and remnant church "kodeshiym", will manifest his power. The herd and his lost sheep will finally see the real light and not the false illuminated phoenix black flame light(Joel 2:1-15, Malachi 4, Romans 8:16-21ish, Ezekiel 34 etc).