Sometimes You Just Have To Take Your Own Advice | DTube Exclusive

in #video7 years ago

Taking your own advice often proves so much harder than dishing it out. It seems everyone has advice to give on everything these days, but barely anyone walks their talk in regards to that. This past week has been a a type of test for me, which I talk about in the video.

Hi everyone and welcome to my DTube channel! I am a 20 year old cyclist, traveler, runner, vegan and adventure seeker from Cape Town, South Africa. If you are reading this it means you are meeting me at an exciting year in my life, which will be filled with bicycle touring and lots of traveling.

There is a quote which says "Life is either a daring adventure, or it's nothing at all." That is how I can best describes 2018 and if I can help it (which I know I can) the years to come.

In July I will fly to Paris to travel Europe and watch the Tour de France. I know that a lot of my followers on DTube and Steemit are from Europe, so it would be great to meet some of you while I am there! I am already in contact with a few people and I can't wait to see you guys there. You can check out the video: here if you want more details on the DTube Paris meetup I am planning. Thanks again everyone!

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