Joe did what? Defeat big pharma? My god, what an incredible achievement!! This guy is an absolute hero, the best American president ever! Aside of the missing 1,000,000,500,000 something.
I need ever longer breaks watching your videos Jeff. It takes an effort not to climb up the curtains.
Where is the 'bang head against wall' emoticon? Oi, something positive: I love that Saguaro cactus you got in the background. That's a great spot to record your videos. In 2008 we been travelling all over Spain and Portugal to find those cacti we thought we had seen there in 1976. I found them when I stopped looking for them, in Málaga. When you stop looking, you start finding. Not in the wild, in this reality they never grew there in the wild, but I found them anyway. Real Saguaros, 20 feet high. Six to eight meters, would be like 20 feet I think?
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Those two on the right, those are Saguaros. It seems there's a lot of those in Arizona.

For the breaks I use this, most times. It's the guy who wrote the SCAM! song a year ago. His lyrics are phenomenal.