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RE: Fraudci Flees As The System Panics That It Is Being Exposed By Chihuahua Walking Conspiracy Theorist

in #video2 years ago

Justin Castro went too far huh. It's a shame he realizes it, and fled the country. But we'll get him sooner or later. The longer he suffers, the better. Let him worry about it.


Despite how evil others are, Illwill in your #Heart and #Mind is bad for your health #WrongResolve. Right Resolve involves:

Best wishes. and I hope you read this constructively, and don't feel offended by my thoughts and advice.

I don't see how or why I would feel offended by your reply. Any offense comes from own interpretation anyway. That goes for insults too. You're right, it may be bad for my health. But I'll be fine anyhow. My karma is doing good, I'm quite sure about that.

Ah okay, yeah, that's alright . . have you ever looked into the originator of the word "Kamma" (cause & effect)?

  • There are a lot of valuable lessons to be gained from his teachers.
  • It's something I am studying and testing.

And of course I'm still figuring out what causes what effects. It seems words are important, but how about thoughts, and/or the feelings those thoughts may cause? I'm still learning about manifestation. It can't be done in an hour. It's an entire path, like from here to Santiago de Compostella, as a matter of speech.

We did that once in a car. We went to Lourdes first, couldn't find a parking spot, then we went around Spain and Portugal, first along the north coast, to Santiago de Compostella, and from there we went south to Fátima. I was slightly offended that they believe my dog has no soul though. He's waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge:

I know that all my doggy friends will be waiting for me :)

At Rainbow Bridge, you can count on it! They're having fun, they're not waiting. But they will be so happy to see you when the time comes! I can picture it: "Sniff sniff, ... sniff ... I know that scent? Sniff... " And then they'll all be running at you, and crush you under their loving energy.
I know Dundy will be all over my head, licking my ears, and then my feet. Dundy licked feet, he loved licking feet. The dirtier the feet the better.

  1. Who didn't believe your dog had a soul?
  2. What is #RainboBridge?

    Posted via D.Buzz

I posted a link to the Rainbow Bridge poem. It's also an album from Jimi Hendrix.
In Fátima there were signs saying dogs are not allowed there. The reason for that would be that he has no soul, according to Christians, more specifically Catholics I think. Whoever goes there to worship whatever God or Goddess.
Rainbow Bridge:

Ah okay, so the author is Unknown . . I wonder if Jimi Hendrix purposely connected the poem to his song.

Posted via Blog | D.Buzz

What you are referring to (the cause & it's effect) is the Law of Kamma.

There are also other bits of #Wisdom like:

  • The 3 Universal Truths
  • The 4 Noble Truths
  • The Noble Eightfold Path
  • Five Precepts

And so on . . one of the first steps is #RightView

Posted via D.Buzz

Thanks, but I really want to boycott youtube, 100%. I'll look for it on another video platform.

There is a #Hive platform for it:

Posted via D.Buzz

You know how they name bands and albums, movies and series in such a way that you can't find the information you're looking for? Like the Foo Fighters, Stargate, and there's many more examples. This is what I first run into looking for Kamma:
It's also a Hindu caste from southern India.
But when I look for Kamma etymology, I get some results. I'll check it out tomorrow. I should get some sleep first. My eyes are starting to hurt from watching the screen.
Thanks for showing me this water. I'll probably drink some of it.

Ah okay, this #YouTube channel has some videos about #Kamma.

  • Kamma is the Pali version of the word #Karma
  • And it stems from the earliest school of Buddhism that still exists today.

Sleep well, and rest your eyes.

Posted via D.Buzz

Pali? Pali Gap is a song from Jimi Hendrix, and it's on his Rainbow Bridge album. I need to look into this.

Damn, that is a wild coincidence . . yes, #Pali is an ancient language, possibly the language that Sedartha (the last #Buddha) spoke

  • And in my view, he lays out the clearest instructions of cause & effect

The later traditions of Buddhism are watered down

Posted via D.Buzz

Justice isn't ill will. Ill will is what requires justice.

I guess it comes down to semantics.

In the #Theravada tradition, illwill is hatred, and all its lower equivalents such as anger, frustration, irritation, annoyance and aversion.

  • There are different strategies in life though, and each action is matched with proper results.

    Posted via D.Buzz

Justice isn't a matter of 'tomato, tomahto'. Real necks need stretching from time to time, and that has nothing to do with hatred. Rather love requires we protect the future victims as we are able, not least because the life we save might be our own.

What do you mean about stretching knecks?

  • Are you referring to punishing people for their crimes and bad deeds?

    Posted via D.Buzz

I do not believe that punishing people is generally useful when they deliberately commit crimes. There are common and ubiquitous moral and ethical proscriptions against the commission of crimes, and there are proscribed penalties for conviction in all jurisdictions extant. People that deliberately commit crimes do so despite such penalties being known to them before they commit those crimes. Therefore such penalties are insufficient to prevent them from committing crimes.

I believe people that commit mass murder deliberately need to be prevented from continuing to murder masses of people, and hanging by the neck until dead is proven to end such murder sprees. That is what I refer to when I refer to stretching necks being necessary to protect innocent people from being murdered, and as an act of love of the people being protected, not as an act of punishment of murderers.

is an excellent compendium of research that shows deliberate fraud and infliction of medical harm, including death, for money has been and is continuing to be criminally committed by Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Albert Bourla, amongst many others that receive royalty payments from the sale of covid19 vaccines around the world.

They have shown by their actions that their murder for money scheme will not stop until their ability to act does. They need to be hanged by the necks until dead to save the billions of potential victims they have schemed to profit from medically harming, including babies 6 months and older.

They do not need to be punished. Babies need to be protected from them, and the criminal conduct undertaken is shown to have been committed despite every warning of penalty for murdering babies that jurisdictions and societies have expressed. These murderers will not recoil from any crime, no matter how horrific, and have amassed fortunes by their criminal natures. Nothing short of ending their lives can provably prevent them from continuing to commit crimes. No promise they make can be believed.

Every breath they take is a threat to everyone you love. Hanging these murderers will end those threats and preserve our beloved posterity, who depend on us to protect their lives as they are otherwise defenseless, from being murdered for money by unrepentant psychopaths incapable of reform.

That is what I mean by stretching necks.

Thank you @valued-customer, for your thorough and comprehensive answer . . I get overwhelmed with trying to think about what should be done in the world, to make things right, and keep people safe, especially since I have little influence . .

Posted via D.Buzz

But over myself, my mind, and practice, toward achieving #Enlightenment, I feel as though I have some control . . I think my mind is clouded with too many biases and wrong views to write in a sound manner about what should be done, but the things you said do make sense.

Posted via D.Buzz

Thank you again, I have seen you write before, and you write clearly enough to be well understood.

Posted via D.Buzz