I had whatever they released as a bioweapon, I never got the pcr test. But I had symptoms I've never had before, including loss of taste and smell. I know "covid" is only a computer-generated simulation genetic sequence taken from Vero monkey kidney cells (never once from a human). But many of us had some kind of illness that was likely released as a bioweapon. I tested positive for covid antibodies, 6 mo after the illness.
I don't believe the narrative at all, but I and my family were personally sick.
Do bioweapons exist? If they did, contagion would be possible to prove. And it is not yet proven. Moreover, if a biological weapon was possible to make, they could´ve used that technology to prove germ theory. I also had those symptoms 1 year ago. My body behaved like it was heavily intoxicated. You can´t test for "covid antibodies". Such tests are a fraud. Read dr. Stefano Scoglio interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht https://off-guardian.org/2022/11/07/that-mrna-vaccines-cause-cells-to-produce-spike-proteins-is-a-fairy-tale/?fbclid=IwAR2r0qR_ys9UG80XdLhyv-kxTFLyrhyhWHbSOv2umEFJZPPLElKQrL6JPH0