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RE: Fraudci Flees As The System Panics That It Is Being Exposed By Chihuahua Walking Conspiracy Theorist

in #video2 years ago

I doubt it is about plagarism but rather politics. I have been noticing huge downvotes to WAM and Max Igan recently on their original work. They are considered 'Alt-Right' and 'Conspiracy Theoriests'. As a rape victim of illegal immigrants, I don't and can't watch politically correct TV. For me, that shit is too traumatic. Like so many other victims of politically correct crimes, we don't watch the BS. However, MSM has now classed anyone who watches these alt-media channels with alternative political views as 'Far-right'. Certain types of rape victims are 'far-right Nazis'.
Now thay are mass downvoting on Hive, channels often called 'Alt-right' by MSM. Personally, I believe they are trying to purify the platform of any alternative politics. I hope these guys stand their ground and continue uploading to web3.0. If they don't, and the internet becomes as obsolete as tptb are promising, then there will be no alternative view on web3.0. Only the 'correct' politics will exist. This is a concern to the likes of myself because I have a huge amount of information I want to put up on web3.0. This is simply because the internet heavily shadow-banned me, where it did not outright ban me under my previous name Social3state (seems we have the same idea with out names, eh?).
At least if they continue to post on to web3.0, I will be able to see if the intention is to ban these voices, or financially punish us. If it is the latter, I can deal with that easy. If it is banning us, that is a long process. I watch with interest.


I am just worried that Hive will go the same way as Steemit because of a few big whales. We are making adjustments to the site to address this tough.

Humbly, I want to express My condolences for Your trauma (I watched a friend murdered on a satanic altar as well as having satanic ritual abuse and just sexual abuse, so I grasp), and offer You something that helped Me.

I can't find a PDF of Choice Theory by William Glasser, but I found this which helps grasp what is put forth in that book (and I'm sure You can buy a copy if interested):

I am sorry you saw something so traumatic happen to a loved one and went through such abuse. Thank you for the information. It is greatly appreciated.

So glad to help!

I doubt it is about plagarism but rather politics.

Then you are wrong.
Join the conversations.

Some of that does occur, and when it does there are initiatives that try to correct it.

The more voices in the conversations the better the crowd sourcing.

I have been noticing huge downvotes to WAM and Max Igan recently on their original work

I have spoke up defending Max, he is just trying to get by, imo.
The others often don't respond to their comments, they drop posts expecting to get paid without servicing their audience, this is why many of them get flagged.
We want participants, not farmers dropping content they monetize elsewhere dropping it here, too.

To be transparent, I have stated that you should get flagged for the same reasons as berwick and beetoons, monetizing content you didn't create.
Were you to set rewards to burn/decline then I would be against flagging you, but as long as you monetize content not of your own creation you violate the intent of the rewards pool to incentivize original content, imo.

Nothing personal about it, I suffered the same flags over a year ago.
I think what you do brings value to the chain, but the community standard is original content every time.
Monetizing the content of others is plagiarism.
If we allow it then it is all we will have and the platform gets abandoned by folks that value real work over stolen work.

"Monetizing the content of others is plagiarism.
If we allow it then it is all we will have and the platform gets abandoned by folks that value real work over stolen work."

No. Plagiarism is claiming to have authored what someone else did. Monetizing content someone else created is publishing. I don't fault you for desiring original content, at all. However, I disagree that if you allow folks to monetize content they didn't create that is all there will be. In fact I reckon that's insuperable hyperbole.

Content on Hive draws eyeballs, and it doesn't matter one whit if the monetizer created it themselves or not in that regard. Monetizers that only post the content of others run the risk of simply being replaced, because anyone can do that, most particularly the creators of the content. That is what we are doing to TV and other legacy publishing platforms, posting our own content instead of such monetizers doing the publishing. Your definition of plagiarism would cast all legacy publishers as plagiarists, which is clearly not the case.

Where it gets absurd is when the content monetized is from creators that have been flagged off Hive.

By being particularly rigorous you avoid misunderstanding that grows in consequence the further you stray from base principle, such as when you can claim you are defending authors of content from plagiarists when flagging monetizers of content whose authors don't post on Hive because you have flagged them until they gave up.

That's just silly.

Regarding authors that post the same content elsewhere and here, and don't engage with their audience here, flagging that content here forces it's audience to go elsewhere to get it. Their audience will ascertain how valuable their engagement is and act accordingly in a market in which some authors do engage substantively. Seems to me you are trying to micromanage the entire community's interests, which is proverbially herding cats, and intolerable tyranny in the Soviet style.

In both these ways negative curation actually suppresses content that has a market on Hive, and suppresses the market for Hive. I'm pretty sure that flying flags on anything but spam, scams, plagiarism - the real definition of plagiarism - and legally actionable criminal speech, suppresses the market for Hive, and not flagging those things does too.

Your cabal is critically important to Hive and requires precision in it's targeting relative to it's import, which accuracy seems to yet be developing. bractice makes berfect. Please, get better.

Look in @freebornsociety's activities filtered for downvotes and show me the abusive flags.
If it was a problem at one time, it is not as much a problem now.
Imo, not enough people have the facts of what is occurring today as opposed to what occurred prior to the fork to hive.
Follow the flaggots and offer your feedback on what they do.
Absent this input, we get what we got.

I did it, and I changed my opinion on what was actually occurring with the flaggots.
Fyi, flaggot is an @skeptic coined term, I adopted it as a way to mitigate taboos around flagging.
Nobody complains about the upvotes.

"...flaggot is an @skeptic coined term..."

This is why we need trolls. @skeptic was one of the worst writers I have ever corresponded with, yet I find the term he coined as expressive as any I've ever used.

I fear my writing has conveyed meaning I didn't intend. The word 'you' can do that, when used generally and read by someone that interprets it as 'you, personally'. I have not looked at anyone's history and did not mean to accuse you personally of anything except insofar as you are actually downvoting. There are times when I find I am upvoting posts you have downvoted. I am not compiling a list of your sins, and only have here sought to benefit from your exposition of your actions when you defend yourself from my accusation of flagging for political reasons, as I did see that happening.

I am glad I did, because your eloquent exposition of your purpose and that of the Watchers has significantly changed my understanding, which formerly was quite baffled that you were party to it. We may yet disagree on points, as is proper. I am greatly encouraged to consider your comments here, and to see the fruits of your work in the posts available from accounts that had ceased to post, or continued to struggle against efforts to destroy them that is now ended or reduced.

I am somewhat shamed to not participate myself, but I do work daily with my hammer and saw, and am incapable of a meaningful commitment to participation yet. Neither am I convinced my participation would be all that welcome, lol. Since I depend on my time working to sustain myself on goodwill, I would be loathe to need to depend on Hive, as would be necessary at some point. I probably need to spend some Hive so I can quit bragging I never do. No one needs such humbling more than I, IMHO.

"Nobody complains about the upvotes."

Ackshually, @r0nd0n has, or at least has acted to counter them by flagging himself. Again, this is why I am confident we need trolls. Unreasonable opinions shake us out of our familiar context and make us reconsider everything from the ground up, which is more valuable than I can relate.

Despite my refusal to commit to your recommended course, I have had extensive discussion regarding some flags, and did see one account blacklisting reversed, which greatly increased my respect for the blacklister, far more than it did the blacklisted.

Ron is the don, for sure.
One of the most well reasoned people I've known.

I wouldn't worry too much about offending me, only I can do that.
I often misinterpret what people say because what they think they said is not always what I heard them to say.
It comes across as talking past them, sometimes.
Other times it is a conversational tactic to try to get them to think.
To examine their beliefs as they may be wrong.
As unexamined beliefs can be.

Conversations such as you offer put a toll on me, I have to think deeply, and that is very much like work.
Good for me, makes me richer, but wears me out when I get too much.
You'll notice I had to take a nap.

If you could give the hive more time it will only serve to make it better, imo.
At some point the networking effect has to kick and that we haven't sold will enrich us monetarily as much as it has intellectually.
At least, that is the hopium I keep huffing.

I have intended to be here as long as we last, both me and Hive. Recently I have observed an Android phone send a text the owner of the phone did not type and send, and that has chilled me more than I can describe. My confidence in my ability to remain online is now in question.

Still, Hive, as long as I can speak freely and read others forthright speech, will be the last place I leave, if I do. I no longer use a phone at all, as I cannot get a landline here that doesn't require a digital interface, which allows the spoofing I observed. I cannot permit Goolag to send words ascribed to me that I did not speak, and I don't have a phone otherwise.

I will seek to resolve that problem, but if Goolag is spoofing texts, it's an extremely intransigent problem. I am unsure of what that means for the internet using linux computers and VPN exclusively, which is how I go online.

Sorry I am excessively verbose. I do undertake to say precisely what I mean, and despite that sometimes miscommunicate, but always use more words than seems necessary.

They have phones now that are degoogled, perhaps that is an option, if you need a phone.

All anybody can ask of another is for them to be themselves, take all the words you need.

The only thing people can purge here is your rewards.

If it's a voice you are looking for, your texts will be stored on the chain, in theory, forever. If a frontend chooses to display your content with a soft censor, there exist people who are tech-capable to create a frontend that's more suited for consumption (hopefully).

"...there exist people who are tech-capable to create a frontend...[that can read your flagged content.]"

See? It's totally not censorship when we flag content for political disagreement, because it's theoretically possible that someone might be able to find a way to read them, someday.

You're a shill for a cabal of whales suppressing political views you disagree with, no different from the WEF using CNN and the enemedia for the same purpose. You attack people financially, just like Canada attacked people donating to the protests by seizing their bank accounts.

You're why Hive can't moon. You're why Hive can't be a voluntarist government that people can use to create movements to successfully oppose legacy tyrannies. You and your ilk prevent economic power from inuring to individuals and groups countering the WEF agenda on Hive.

You're a censor for the extant technocracy. It's what you do.


Bullshit. It's already possible. But people like you prefer to bitch and moan.

Nothing has changed with your exaggerated self-righteousness.

LOL Did you flag me for excessive rewards? Because I plagiarized, or was scamming?

Thanks for proving you flag because of disagreements of opinion.

Thanks for proving me right.

I flagged you for being an asshole and a liar.

That's how downvote is used in real life. You aren't right and you will never be right.

I'm always right, because I listen carefully to criticism and change my mind when I'm wrong, which is how I become right. Maybe you could use that to your advantage, instead of just throwing flags and insults with your alts. Thanks for that list, BTW.

I also appreciate your forthright statement of the purpose of your flags, which is pretty obvious from who you flag and what they are saying. It's good to know all the claims about disagreement with rewards, spam, and scamming are just bullshit, and you just flag people whose opinions you don't like.

If you thought you were right and could provide sound arguments to prove it, you would. Your insults and flags prove better than anything I could ever say that you know better, and insults and flags are the only arguments you have.

Thanks for proving that.

I will never accept your libel.

Lurk in the discords if you want to participate more in what we do.

I appreciate your kind suggestion.

Yes, it is the information I want stored. What about videos? Would they exist forever? Or can they be removed? My intention is to get as much truth on web3.0 as is possible. If I get rewards, great, that helps.
My mission however, is not to earn but rather inform.
Speaking of such, I hope you don't mind if I leave this link to an article about my self-represented rape case here.

The chain itself does not store videos. You'll need some other decentralized solutions for videos (IPFS, Filecoin, etc.).

Filecoin? Does that actually work? I put a node online a few years back, opened up an HD partition and nothing.

3speak is making an ipfs frontend for videos, until then videos/pics are hosted on a server that could be ordered to stop.
Only text is immutable, at this point.

Yeah I understand @enforcer48 and that makes sense.

I'm sorry to hear about your hardship, and encourage you to be the best person you can, and out your model life.

P.S. Why did you stop using @social3state?

Thank you. I have been fighting back and successfully. I will continue to do so. I will be using Hive as my chosen platform. The name social3state also became shadow-banned on reddit and other social sites I had not used before. If I wrote a comment, I would return to it later and it was removed or I simply couldn't upload it. Victims like myself have been told to shut up for the sake of diversity by our politicians in the UK. Victims of anything that goes against the politics are heavily censored. Not just illegal immigration these days.
There seems to be trouble with that username on most platforms though unfortunately. Or more likely, what it represents, a victim of political correctness. A victim of the harmful virtue. To use those platforms now I need a different username.

Ah okay, understood . . btw, one of the best ways to combat non-virtue is #Virtue

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