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RE: Burger King Whopper Neutrality DEBUNKED! - What You Need To Know About Net Neutrality

in #video7 years ago

Of course: legislative, executive and the judicial power. Those powers are never isolated and will act taking into count personal interests from the other two powers.

In your country it seems to be common that President and the House of Representatives or Senate or whatever it is called, are ruled by different parties. When the President is from the Democrat party, then the Senate is ruled by Republicans and viceversa.

Have that make more difficult for presidents to achieve what they wanted? Like bombing countries or the Obamacare? I can see that it wasn't.

Internet access is not a public utility. If people want access to the network, they should pay for it. Providers pay some people to keep the cable operating. It is their cable. It is their choice to ask the money they wanted.