Back on the corporate video wagon.

in #video4 years ago

Hey Folks,

What a mad week its been, I've done 2 shoots and a whole lot of over night editing. Just thought I'd share a short post on what I've been up too.

Live stream

So alongside an editing job for the local university. I've shot a live stream from a pharmaceutical company who wanted to do a presentation to their customers but safe from the fear of Covid-19.

We shot on a couple of old canon tv cameras and broadcast it through adobe live streaming software. The client seemed pretty chuffed with how it went and it was a nice easy job to ease me back into shooting corporate again.



Dog food factory

Yesterday I spent the day in a dog food factory in North Yorkshire... the glamours job I have some times. 🤣The film was basically a walk through of the factory and then some pieces to cameras. It was pretty interesting to be honest the guy giving the tour had a radio mic on which I was monitoring, so I learnt a thing or 2. He made me laugh a few time when he mentioned to my client that they used to get wagons full of cow heads to make the dog food at first. Only to then realise the project Manager was a strict vegetarian.

I shot the full day on the A7iii, I love that camera but i'm very tempted to upgrade to the FS7 or the new EOS R5 just for the upgraded features and ergonomics. I just cant decide.

Any ways here is me in my glorious PPE; Mask, hair net, hard hat, visor, lab coat and high vis. Honestly shooting through a visor makes you as useful as a chocolate fire guard.





So thats what I've been doing over the last couple of days.
I guess I got my eye back in for film making and learnt about the wonderful world of dog food production.


Shooting through a visor? Sounds tricky.

Dog food factory sounds interesting.
The cow head bit sounds a bit grim though haha
I love how videography jobs can take you anywhere.

At least you are working and your expertise in dog food may pay dividends! Have fun.