Congratulations to your healthy son Jeff! I often have similar themes going on in my life as you. A couple days ago my wife had a positive pregnacy test (speaking about positive tests during the plandemic has a funny taste haha). The implentation of her egg was on the 8th November (lunareclipse). I am wondering which crazy soul came through that portal :-D I assume you didnt sold your son into slavery with the "birth certificate". I wont register (=give it to the crown) my child in the system either. We will live in a separate community of likeminded people by then and also have a natural birth. I see it the same way with having kids during the apocalypse. Martin Luther (the german guy not the black guy) said: "Even if i know that the world will end tomorrow, i still will plant an apple tree today". I am really looking forward to hear your story. Whishing you and your family all the best!
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