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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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I never autovote and have addressed why at length. There's nothing dishonest about it. If you have autofollowers for your flags, they might as well be your alts, since they have abdicated their own opinions and let you think for them.

All I need to know about what you do is what you said you do.

"I flagged you for being an asshole and a liar."

"That's how downvote is used in real life."

You're just projecting your faults on me, and flagging me because that's what you do.

Regarding user created front ends to parse the raw blockchain, they're about as common as airplanes built by enthusiasts. Less so, probably. The fact they're possible to build doesn't change the fact that flagging is censorship, and flagging for opinion is contrary to the purpose of a platform promoting free speech, which is why I don't do it.

I'm in favor of free speech, and the list of flags I've flown demonstrates that.

Flagging is only censorship perceived by people who have aversion to people disagreeing with them.

You can flag be downvoted to negative rep and "hidden". It wouldn't matter. Your words never fade away.

But hey, snowflakes like you is probably why they removed dislike button on YouTube.

"snowflakes like you is probably why they removed dislike button on YouTube."

No, I am nothing like Bidet.

"Flagging is only censorship perceived by people who have aversion to people disagreeing with them."

You completely ignore the evidence of our entire discussion. I literally LOVE being criticized because it is the only thing that can prove I am wrong and enable me to stop being wrong. Flags for opinion are incompetence. They only teach me flaggots are incompetent, which isn't necessary.

I hate being wrong. Being wrong leads to making terrible mistakes that have damn near killed me. If you actually prove I am wrong I will be very grateful, and you will be doing me a great kindness. Flags just prove you can't, and like all censorship, prove the censors fear the speech of the censored. 'Blah blah cut out a man's tongue blah blah.'

You just don’t like dissent. That is all. You are two sides of the same coin you claim to be opposed of.

I’m not the one trying to prove you are wrong. You are the one making accusations about people like an IRS agent.

I don’t have to prove anything to your libel. I’m not interested in your pseudo-intellectual projections.

I think your opinion is garbage and I standby it by showing my discontent and let the blockchain bear records my vote matches my words.

You just don’t like dissent.

That is the most ludicrous thing I have ever read. You are completely delusional if you believe that the least little bit. It completely denies the actual statements I have made throughout this conversation, and that remains in my blog since I came here.

I'm sad for you. Reality is a pretty cool thing, and I wish you were able to enjoy it.

Your libeling yourself is the only thing you need to defend against. You stated you flag for opinion. You deny you defend free speech on Hive. You simply provide an example of everything that reduces Hive's ability to survive the ongoing imposition of censorship in the free world.

You flag me for pointing it out. Don't like me pointing it out? Stop doing it. #ezpeasy

Hive's ability to survive the ongoing imposition of censorship in the free world.

You exaggerate. You will sooner lose to censorship because you don't own your witness server than anyone buying stakes in Hive. But go ahead, continue to argue about the superficial things to make you feel like you have the "moral high ground".

As I said, you just don't like it when people dislike things. You should try to step into the reality you claim to live in and realize people can do whatever they want when it comes to upvotes and downvotes. You'd rather limit one, but not the other.

I can downvote you because I think what you said is garbage and untrue. The vote testifies that.

Keeping giving it a negative label just shows your desperation and unwillingness to accept differences.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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You seem incapable of grasping reality, and just keep making me feel sad for you.

"...continue to argue about the superficial things to make you feel like you have the "moral high ground"."

It is utterly delusional to consider the UN, Goolag, Twatter, Fakebook, the US DHS declaring patriots citing the founding fathers dangerous extremists, and the myriad of censors armed with both military might and $T's superficial and inconsequential. I don't know what could possibly get you to acknowledge the real world around you, if what is happening hasn't. $5/gal gas, $7/dozen eggs, the WEF calling to ban personal cars, Germany paying 1000% more for electricity. I imagine you crouched in a dark room with all the evil bashing on the walls outside as you plug your ears and squinch your eyes shut, pretending none of it exists.

Regarding morality or high ground, you simply project on me your own thoughts and fears. I have but addressed the utility of flags and what they can do. I clearly can't break through your cognitive dissonance, so am going to go do something useful.

Have a great day.