
He's talking about the dollar, not Hive.

Ah yes, the idea that you guys aren't here because of the USD you can convert into later is laughable.

Keep making those "new" accounts.

I'm neutral in this @enforcer48, but it seems like his video, on the website got 8,200 views . . and it's a Hive-platform.

  • @kencode elsewhere has also said that #HiveTube is getting 400 new website integrations per week.

Aren't those both good developments?

11k now...

I don't see anything negative about that.

Posted via D.Buzz

But does that reflect on active Hive users?

Either way, time will tell.

We'll see, but it's probably a numbers game.

  • One thing is for sure, it doesn't hurt imo.

And chasing people off the #Hive platform, ultimately results in less users than would otherwise be possible.

Posted via D.Buzz

It is what it is.

Human nature won't change just cause you changed a platform.

Well, we can at least change our own nature, or to put it another way: