Video game review Deadly Premonition

in #video8 years ago

Today we look at an older game yet still good even by today’s standards.

Deadly Premonition, one of the most polarizing games to be made. Tons of people claimed it was the worst game ever made and others absolutely love it and can’t get enough.
So which is it? As always I’ll go through the characters, story and gameplay to give you the best objective review and ensure your time and money aren’t wasted.


The story of Deadly Premonition is weird. Truly it is. It starts with FBI Agent Francis York Morgan heading to an out of the way town called Greenvale since there has been a brutal murder of a young girl. If right now you’re thinking ‘hey this sounds kind of like Twin Peaks’ well that’s intention. The developers were highly influenced by it.

Then York (he prefers to be called by York) investigates and takes over the investigation. Things get awkward quickly as supernatural other-worldly powers get involved along with the eccentric citizens. To reveal much more than that would be spoiling too much so to the characters instead.


The main character is Francis York Morgan, an FBI agent tasked with finding the killer in Greenvale. He constantly speaks to an invisible entity he names Zach who is meant to represent the player who provides input to his actions.

The supporting female of the game is Emily, a police officer of the Greenvale Police department. A running gag is that she is an awful cook in the game. In fact getting her to cook brings up a rather comedic scene (worth checking out). And certain tension can build between her and York in game.

George Woodman is the sheriff in Greenvale. He assists York in various parts of the investigation. Yet hinders him in others thinking his methods going too far or too awkward.

Thomas is the sheriff assistant who idolizes George and ensures to help out York with any part of the investigation that he requires.


The gameplay is awkward for this game, on one hand you have free roaming and the ability to drive cars that have a gas meter a (yet during certain parts don’t have one). Then you have the combat which is…imagine resident evil 4 gun play and you pretty much have the combat in this game. It’s not terrible by any means but its…meh.

In addition to that we also have a detective mode where York has to put together crime scenes with evidence that he finds. Pretty good but more a distraction than anything good.


I know what you’re thinking, You haven’t told us much of anything about the game to help us form an opinion on it! That’s because there isn’t much there gameplay wise. The real charm to this really comes from the story which I can’t tell you too much about without seriously spoiling things. It’s one of those awkward games where the story becomes more important than the lackluster gameplay. If you are one of those people that can get into games like that and develop a close attachment to the characters; then this game is for you. You’ll forget about the bad combat system rather quickly.

If you are not one of those people though you will be disappointed with this game. The bad controls and combat and tedious detective parts and quick time events will really wear your patience down.

So really I have to give this game two completely different scores (damn it).

It gets an 8.5 and a 4.9