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RE: Satan Klaus and the WEF Total Global Domination Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution

in #video2 years ago

Darn good Jeff. As a poor person, one thing I know is you can't get blood for a rock. These Alex Jones numbers are a fear factor. If you sue for too much and get a judgement for more than the person can pay you get NOTHING. NO-THING (OSHO). Rich people know this too. And Alex Jones for all his Big Mouth should know how to hide his assets so this is all about scaring the Independent Media and stopping them which is not going to work. Knowing this, it still put fear in my heart. But when I calmed down, I realized, Alex is stupid if he don't know Jeff and put everything he has in Monero and starts his own currency for his new show which will simply be renamed. Hell, he's done it before. These people aren't playing. Ever wrestle with a hungry Alligator? Yeah, 'cause you didn't see it coming, because just like these reptilians (David Icke type humanoid shape-shifters) they lay in the cut like a rock and then move like lightening speed. That's why we got to do what Jeff sees and move out of the society now which I am working on because once you in the fight it's too late. I been working on Jeff's ideas for 2 years now. Better get started people. All these adjustments take time.