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RE: [Video Blog # 65] - EOS Update, Dumb Money & One To Watch (Cryptocurrency)

in #video8 years ago

This is very good and points you made are worth reading. About LBRY I am also thinking to add in my bag for long term. I do hope bitcoin breach 4000 this year to keep our interests in crypto high.


Lots to take in and all info we can get helps. I feel a lot of this report is very valid and I have taken the best points out for us to consider. Litecoin is one to watch in the next two months. Big movements in the asian markets and new positive tech adjustments in the coming months so I feel buying up a few more of these would be a wise idea. (not financial advice)

Oh I just sold my litecoin to buy some steem here. I will get litecoin again on next dip.