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RE: My Video Blog/Vlog- "Has Christianity Been Abandoned?" Let's talk about it....

in #video7 years ago (edited)

Biblical Christianity has been abandoned, frowned upon, etc. Being like the 'world' is far more appealing, as it's been foretold. The love of many will wax cold. People will heap to themselves the kinds of teachers they want to hear from. Good has become evil and evil, good. We live in an inverted world and it's not getting any better here in the states.
Of course people can't measure up. That's the whole point of Christianity. But it's becoming more and more popular, to save one's self via their own goodness. Even find eternity, minus Christ. That's what I'm seeing.
And YES, the Gospel message IS welcoming, about love and acceptance. In all these matters, we need to strike a balance. This isn't something to take lightly, for sure.