
I think they'll find that as Christianity declines, civilization will as well. The people leaving are missing large parts of the knowledge that is Christianity. What they are leaving is churchianity, which is not the same thing. Dominance hierarchy should not have a place in Christianity, except as the natural parent/child relationship. Christianity has become corrupted by globalist memes of unity amongst religions.

Good point about the "Churchianity" element in all of this. I think that we must not forget that Church and Christianity are not necessarily one in the same. Jesus said that we as Christians are His church and not just some building or religious order.

While community is useful and supportive, if it is not fellowship in Christ, it is not Christianity, but some sort of club or tribe. The individual, every individual, and their own, personal relationship with Christ, is the important part. The fellowship is the sharing of the personal with siblings in Christ.

Yes, you're right! It's more than just a club or a community... It's about a personal experience and a closer walk with Christ.

Well like all families you only get the relationship when you follow the rules(religion). Once the masses rejected the religion the relationship become a lie. Consider the following most called Christians have denied Jesus his mother(Mary) his friends(the saints) and his representative(the pope). At least that's my observation.

Though I may not agree with all of your observations, I do thank you for your personal insights on this very important subject! :)

I think it is a sign of the end days and it will become worse. I am following you, please follow me for christian content.

Amen! I agree with you about the signs of the times! Following you.

Sadly this has been eroded on purpose because you can't have a more socialist society with something larger than the state to challenge that authority. Public Schools, the media, and politicians have made people think twice before standing up for their faith.

Thanks so much for sharing your ideas with us! I agree with much of what you said. I believe that there needs to be an atmosphere of liberty where free expression of your faith is not only allowed, but encouraged, as well!
Thanks so much for your thoughts!

Thanks for the vid. My family does not go to church, but are very strong in the faith. Church attendance doesn't always reflect the faithfulness of the masses.

You're welcome, @ironshield
You're right about church attendance... It's not what makes you a Christian... it's about your faith in the Lord and your personal walk.

I believe the day is coming when all true believers will be practicing in underground home churches Public churches will be government controlled someday. Progressive humanism will trample upon those who have the faith of Messiah and obey the will of God, but no man can stop what God has started.

Very powerfully said! I appreciate your thoughts on this issue! God bless you!

Nice post!
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Thank you for commenting on my post!

nice video

Thank you very much! I appreciate your support! Have a good day! :)

God is my path, I am Christian and I go to church mostly Sundays of course if I don't dive . Even there he is with me. Like always.
My dentist told me the story that when he was a young boy people didn't or mostly work in Sundays in America so it was the time to go to church, calm down, visit family, cousins and have fun. Maybe because the world is getting so fast too fast. My church is full of people feel good. My grandmother always said "Evil always loses and good always wins no matter what. " God bless you and thank you.

Thanks for sharing this, @margaretwise
Times were definitely different on those days and there was more of a commitment to attend church and to not work on Sunday's. Our culture has changed a lot and there does seem to be a lost ambition to walk the Christian life. We are moving too fast in life and should slow down to draw closer, to "be still and know that He is God", as the Bible says.
Thanks for sharing your experiences of faith and for your support. God bless you!

Too much confusion, the leaders of the churches are not feeding the flock; they are not doing their job; most church leaders place more value on prosperity rather than a true connection with Yah. My friend, we are being conditioned every day to forget about God. What do religious leaders do? NOTHING... they are corrupt. Most preachers say they have been picked by God. Really? Look at the fruits of christianity. According to the bible, that is how you judge a tree, by the fruit that it bears. There is your answer. Great video btw...

Thanks for taking the time to watch my video and for commenting on it, too! I think you raised some excellent points and I agree with what you've shared! I hope this discussion will help clear up some confusion and misconceptions that exist on this important issue.

Np... the people of God are blinded, chained, and hungry for the truth. People like you and me can make a difference using this medium.

I will say amen to that, my friend! Just followed you.

Excellent video. Personally, I believe at the very root of the problem is that we, as Christians, or to accept responsibility, I, as a Christian, have turned the focus from others to self. Many of our churches are inwardly focused instead of outwardly focused. Living in the wealthiest 3% of the world just by being born in the US, the goal has become meeting our own needs instead of the needs of others. David Platt wrote a great book titled "Radical", which really challenges a lot of the actions and heart of the Christian Church in America. It is causing me to re-evaluate many things.

Thank you for being open and honest about your feelings on this topic. I agree with you about accepting "responsibility". I believe many of us as Christians have failed to reach out to non-Christians in the appropriate way. I am convinced that the church needs to show the love of Christ in a greater capacity and to preach the gospel in a way that is pure and true. Man-made Christianity needs to step to the side so an authentic form of Christ's teachings can be properly portrayed.

Amen! We have perverted something that is perfect.

Thanks for the video and chatting with us. I am a follower of Jesus, and believe He is the 'one and only' savior of the world. He is the only way of salvation for mankind.
Paul says that the day of the Lord will not come until the 'apostasy' came first ( the great falling away) Like a spirit of delusion coming over people so that they stop believing in Him ...spiritual forces are at work here let us not be ignorant ! ..and as we approach the soon return of Jesus, all the more so. We are in a battle for sure. Half hearted Christians are going to fall away as the heat intensifies ...those who remain, they that have had the revelation about who Jesus really is, will go on to do great works in the name of our Lord. So are we witnessing a purging of the church of lukewarm Christians ? ...that could be so... we must each pay attention to our doctrine and our beliefs, the word of God will be tested in us, we must hold fast to the truth. Simon

I appreciate your viewpoints and I agree with a great deal of what you pointed out! I pray that this conversation will be a resource for those who are struggling with their faith and perhaps this can be an avenue of healing....Because I know the hurts have run deep among those who have been wronged by the religious crowd. I know that Jesus Christ didn't fit in with the religious crowd either. Jesus loves people!

You have Financial babylon, Political Babylon, and Religious Babylon Acts 7:43. Religious Babylon has taken over the "church". Just like when the priests conspired to kill YaShuah. They have conspired and crept in and cause the churches to babel just like in Babylon (Jude). Ruak HaKodesh will dwell with those that worship in ruak and in truth. Those that offer up sacrifices of praise and worship, getting equipped. When the latter rain comes in this new army and remnant church "kodeshiym", will manifest his power. The herd and his lost sheep will finally see the real light and not the false illuminated phoenix black flame light(Joel 2:1-15, Malachi 4, Romans 8:16-21ish, Ezekiel 34 etc).

Biblical Christianity has been abandoned, frowned upon, etc. Being like the 'world' is far more appealing, as it's been foretold. The love of many will wax cold. People will heap to themselves the kinds of teachers they want to hear from. Good has become evil and evil, good. We live in an inverted world and it's not getting any better here in the states.
Of course people can't measure up. That's the whole point of Christianity. But it's becoming more and more popular, to save one's self via their own goodness. Even find eternity, minus Christ. That's what I'm seeing.
And YES, the Gospel message IS welcoming, about love and acceptance. In all these matters, we need to strike a balance. This isn't something to take lightly, for sure.

I prefer to think that there is no defeating God's purpose. If people are leaving churches then God is calling them out of them. A new paradigm will emerge in which the Spirit of God will be expressed.

I think there is some degree of truth to what you are saying and I appreciate your willingness to comment and share your thoughts! God Bless you!

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