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RE: What You Need To Know About Telling Veterans "Thank You" on Veterans Day - A Veteran's Perspective

in #veterans7 years ago

Oh good Sir . I don't believe you tell the whole truth. In India we have a term अर्धसत्य or half-truth. I am not an American citizen but I think that means I am not bound by feelings of patriotism for your country or am guided by emotions in reading the article.
Not everyone will agree with everything that you post ,I am just one who expressed it. Is not feedback always welcome now that you live as a civilian. Or is a Yes Sir ! customary. America's civilian population must take control of the political sphere rather than demoralising the army. The army is just an instrument of the state,it may be used in a good way or bad way. Do not train your axe at the very institution but try to bring about political change that makes your army well respected worldwide. Just my opinion. You are free to disagree.


You clearly don't understand the flagging/downvoting mechanism on this site. You don't just go around flagging people all willy-nilly just because you disagree with what they wrote. From the flagging window:

Disagreement on rewards
Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
Intentional miss-categorized content or Spam

My post didn't fall under any of those, so you flagged me for no legitimate reason. Keep that kind of behavior up and you will draw negative attention to yourself and cause people to flag YOU.

The only negativity I see emanating is from the other side.
Learn to take a differing opinion. And whether or not the post fell under any of the legitimate down voting mechanisms is subjective and not your decision to make. I need not explain myself here. Obviously my words fall on deaf ears. If I am called to question this flag though I would gladly explain the reason,but not to you Sir.
Quit politicising the simple token of support your people show your army. You suggest that the soldier be an object of charity for he is helpless after war.It is not charity that you seek ,it is savagery.It would be undignified for a soldier to seek support and bailouts. Do not portray the soldier as a victim in need of help Sir.It is unbecoming of a nation to do so. God help your country if the veterans demand doleouts like the Banks. Since when was being in the Army about receiving ? It is a service.

Nations worldwide applaud and give grudging respect to how Americans proudly support their army.

It is really unfortunate when a self declared former serviceman uses the platform to call into question their sacrifices and endeavours. Just take a step back and see the magnitude of what you say.
The wars,the very reason for an Army 's existence are lies. Can the fallen soldier forgive you for that statement if you say it to his face?

I get it . You are a disgruntled dishonourably discharged soldier. I am surprised how you survived in your nation's army ? You have no soldierly qualities. You would not last two minutes in my world. You were born on an island forsaken by Japan and now even USA. You have lived a free lunch all your life. You need a astounding kick in the balls to wake up. Good luck with your money making scheme at your dignity's cost. Unlike you a few came here for adding value ,but you go out of your way to spoil it for them. You know who you are. You can lie to the world ,but your army 'brothers and sister's whom you commodify for gain know you. You disgust me. You have astounding arrogance and are two faced. If you had something to say you should have said it here in the open than using your cheap attempts at bullying. You are despicable. Instead of facing up to the accusations here in an open forum you choose to prey on those joining up in minnowsupport's discord channel with your cheap mob mentality usage. If you feel little inside the best way to grow is to grow bigger yourself. Do not rub out a line you see that is longer. Do not blow out other's torch that burns brighter
. You are weak. If Americans were not so demoralised and brainwashed they would have known you for the traitor you are. For those reading this please listen to Yuri Bezmenov's lectures on youtube. He was a great Russian man who defected to the US. He was living in India and gained spiritual wisdom here and though a nation breaking agent had a change of heart due to the immense warmth India showed him.He knew of the clever ways of Deceit and subversion that are used to enslave a people. The Trump regime is the last ditch effort of a dying nation to redeem itself. Americans must support him if their nation is to survive. Your enemy is unknown .It has though made a colony in your minds,American minds. Arise ,Awake ! The enemy is within .