“Democracy” Advocate Shawn Vestal, Who Supports New Gun Laws, Is A Threat To Moral Principles

in #vestal6 years ago (edited)


No individual possesses the moral right (God given, or natural) to initiate force and violence against anyone else in furtherance of their political or social objectives. This is a plain and simple fact. There are no facts or evidence which prove otherwise.

The only moral use of force and violence is in the imminent defense of life, liberty, rights, or property. This is a plain and simple fact. There are no facts or evidence which support otherwise.

No group of individuals possesses the authority, to delegate to anyone else, the right to do something that individuals do not possess themselves because that act is immoral. This is a plain and simple fact. There are no facts or evidence which prove otherwise.

There are no facts or evidence which prove the Constitution and laws of Washington State apply to people for the sole reason that they are physically present here. Magic written instruments don’t create a legally enforceable obligation in and of themselves. That either requires a formal contract, or an implied agreement. In either case – there is no evidence available which proves that either of these exist “in fact” just because someone was physically present in a geographical territory.

Whether it’s radical Muslims who proclaim they have the right to initiate force and violence against others in furtherance of their political or social objectives, radical Zionists who use force and violence against others in furtherance of their political or social objectives, or even people who believe that “Democracy” gives them the right to initiate force and violence against others in furtherance of their political or social objectives – all these cult members are bound by a common thread: they all delusionally believe their magic written instruments (i.e. Bibles, Korans, Torahs, Constitutions, Laws) somehow imbue them with powers they do not possess as individuals.

Another commonality across these psychotic cults is – the “magic” of their sacred written instruments seemingly infects them all with the super-human ability to ignore reason, logic, evidence, and facts. It’s like they believe the hand of Zeus himself suspended morality and gave them free reign to do anything they justified in the name of their supposed “god”. Whether they call their “god” Allah, Jesus, or “The Law” - they all sacrifice reason and morality upon the alter of their imaginary deity.

As a prime example - watch as Shawn Vestal ignores the core principals of morality and reason, and preaches on like some nut-job in the Westboro Baptist Church: http://archive.is/VqEbs

“Bored with the worn-out notion that when most people vote for something, it should be law?” - SV

Is it “The Law”, Shawn? Who can even know what “The Law” is when there are so many contradictory and meaningless abstractions, that it literally takes a doctorate for someone to even understand how the system basically works? As Dr. Fred Rodell, Professor of Law at Yale pointed out:

"Moreover, the fact that The Law is constantly for sale, and generally to the highest bidder, ties right into the fact that The Law as a whole is a fraud. For The Law could not be bought and it would not favor those who can afford to buy it if the vaunted principles of which it is fashioned really were the ready keys to certainty and justice which the lawyers claim them to be. It is because those principles are so many and so meaningless – because they can be chosen and twisted and sorted out to support any result under the sun – that The Law does not produce justice (which, in itself, implies equality of treatment for all)."

Moreover – how does a group of idiots vote away someone’s individual rights? If they are truly rights - they are either natural or “endowed by their Creator” as the Declaration of Independence phrased it. Those rights weren’t “given” to people by society, magic pieces of paper, or any other human being. Rights cannot be taken away. Rights can be forfeited, but you can’t just publish a piece of magic paper and magically make the right disappear as if by the hand of Odin himself.

“Recall that Washington voters passed Initiative 1639 with a 60 percent majority. The new law raises the minimum age of purchasing a semi-automatic weapon to 21, expands the background check system and imposes penalties for failing to safely secure a gun, among other things.
Under our constitution, this makes it a law, though most of the provisions don’t actually kick in until this summer.” - SV

Wow – a “60% majority”, Shawn? Again, basic facts and reason go right out the window when you are a demagogue. There were 1,839,475 votes for I-1639. There were 4,362,459 registered voters. If my math is correct, and it usually is - only 42% of registered voters supported I-1639. This is far from any “majority” - as if 51 people have the magic right from Enlil himself to tell the other 49 out of 100 what they can and can’t do. Legal isn’t even moral, anyhow.

"These statements are just silly. Is a sheriff supposed to decide which law to enforce based on his feelings? His beliefs? His gut? Is a police chief the one who gets to shout “PERIOD!” at the “gun-grabber” laws he instinctively doesn’t like?" - SV

What is “The Law”, Shawn? Nobody knows because it hasn’t been adjudicated yet. One law, 18 U.S. Code § 241, says that if the Washington Supreme Court rules that Section 24 of the Washington Constitution protects the right of 18-20 year olds to purchase and possess semi-automatic rifles, that YOU, Shawn Vestal, and everyone who voted for and enforced I-1639 should be prosecuted for a Federal felony. Look at the penalty if kidnapping (arrest) is involved – that’s what you all should be prosecuted and sentenced for. (I for one really like death penalty in this case)

But, I’m guessing, like every other piece of shit who voted for I-1639, that not one of you will be lining up at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, with a signed guilty plea in hand, if the Washington Supreme Court strikes down I-1639. Why? It’s the same reason many of you handed Barack Obama the most powerful weapon on the planet (the US Military) after Obama blew up a 16 year old American kid and then joked about it. It’s because you are all completely delusional, and you only care about “The Law” when it suits your political or social objectives. Then you hide behind the anonymity of your votes to avoid any accountability. It’s the same with any fanatical religious moron.

"The peacocking cops are giving oxygen to a radical, discredited view that has long thrived on the anti-government right: sheriffs are the ultimate authority under the Constitution, little monarchs empowered to decree and depose when the government overreaches." - SV

Since when has it been a “discredited view” to protect the rights of others when there is a question of the law? Yeah, you can make the case that tossing Japanese people in internment camps, arresting people for teaching blacks to read and write, and arresting people who helped slaves escape might have “discredited” that view – but wouldn’t it have been more reasonable and moral if the freak-shows who did that dirty work actually stood up for the rights of those peaceful people? Wouldn’t it have more "credit" if those officers stood up to the sick fucks like you, Shawn, who decided peaceful people (who have never harmed anyone) don't have a right to liberty?

If the government’s primary responsibility is to protect our rights – that should be its only function. To hide like a chicken-shit little pussy, and send armed goons after people you disagree with politically, while simultaneously hiding behind the anonymity of your secret ballot to avoid any culpability, is as repugnant as your very existence, Shawn. But, just like with handing Obama control of the predator drone that killed a 16 year old American – I’m guessing you won’t be lining up with your co-conspirators with signed guilty pleas to 18 U.S. Code § 1117. Do you truly think that “law” doesn’t apply, and shouldn’t be enforced? In fact, you’ll gleefully hand the next psychopath a bunch more weapons to murder innocent people with, and then hide like cowards from any culpability again. It’s who you are as a person, Shawn. It’s who you ALL are.

“The modern constitutional sheriff movement has revived the idea of sheriff supremacy envisioned by the Christian Patriots, tried to shed its anti-Semitic and racist origins, and now seeks to ‘take back America county by county, state by state,’ ” he wrote in a 2017 op-ed at Politico.

A servant cannot serve two masters. Sheriffs either serve the people by protecting our individual rights – or they serve freak-shows like you Shawn (who hand weapons to guys who murder kids and joke about it), and they use force and violence to impose your political and social objectives on others. There is no “in-between” in that scenario. Sheriffs are the last shot rational people have at stopping monsters like you, Shawn. If we can get Sheriffs to simply protect our rights and only initiate force and violence against individuals when they violate the rights of someone else – it will stop demonic fucks like you (who clap and cheer for guys who murder kids and joke about it) who will use whatever political capital (majority) you can accrue to harm everyone who disagrees with your sick and twisted voting block of fuck-tards.

"It’s a ridiculous notion – the idea that the framers of an elaborate system of government based on checks and balances, majority rule and minority protection, intended to invest every sheriff in America with the authority to pick and choose among the laws based on their gut feelings and coffee-shop conversations about constitutionality." -SV

Shawn - I can’t tell if you are a lying piece of shit, or just completely delusional. Maybe it’s both. The checks and balances were put in place TO PREVENT TYRANNY, you fucking moron. A sheriff not enforcing a law that violates the rights of individuals would be like a Nazi officer refusing to steal a Jew’s property and toss them in an internment camp. That’s not “ridiculous” - that is virtuous. In a normal moral society - that conduct would be applauded, not scorned.

Moreover, when the Nazi officers who did follow “The Law” were prosecuted for human rights violations, the Nuremberg Court held that “The Law” was not a valid excuse, and those officers had a moral responsibility to DO NO HARM that went above any order or law. That may sound like a foreign concept to people like you Shawn, but your magic pieces of paper aren’t really from Odin or Zeus, and they certainly do not create any obligation upon anybody to harm others in the furtherance of your shitty political or social objectives. Dumb fuckers like you might believe that horse-shit, but that isn’t a morally valid cause of action. That’s pure psychosis.

“These enhanced background checks keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals who lawfully cannot own firearms because of a mental illness or criminal record. As far as I know, no Washington sheriff or police chief has refused to perform these enhanced background checks for handguns. Why refuse to perform them for semi-automatic assault rifles?” he said.

How do these background checks keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals, like police officers, who will escalate the force continuum and ultimately murder someone, if they resist enough, the political or social objectives of even more mentally ill people like you Shawn? How will these “enhanced background checks” keep guns out of the hands of people who will send a SWAT Team into anyone’s house who dare defy their political or social objectives? How will it keep sociopaths like you Shawn, from handing nuclear launch codes to the next kid-killing freak? Who will ever take responsibility and accountability? Nobody - because that is exactly how "The Law" is designed to function.

If the law is upheld, these sheriffs will face a serious reckoning, one that cannot be resolved with bluster and bluff: Whether to do the duty to which they swear an oath, or pay lip service to the Constitution while ignoring its essential values.

And if the law is overturned – should all the people involved in conspiring to violate the rights of Washington citizens 18-20, protected by law, be prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 241? Will any of the officers or lawyers be prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 242? Until you publish a signed guilty plea - conditional upon the overturning of I-1639 by the Washington State Supreme Court - I think we can all take you for who you are, Shawn: A worthless, delusional, piece of shit who should be loaded onto a barge and crashed into the sun.

The first step in the solving the gun violence problem is taking anyone who advocates using guns (through deputed officers, or otherwise) to enforce their political or social objectives upon others, and deporting them to the sun. If you won’t respect the basic rights of others, and you won’t respect the basic principles of morality – there is no room in this universe for psychotic shit-bags like you, Shawn.

The sooner we stop acting like a religious cult and start acting like moral, accountable, and reasonable adults – the sooner our progeny will be raised with the basic human value that it is always wrong to violate the rights of another person. The sooner our culture begins to ingrain in our children the basic moral value - that it is wrong to use force and violence against anyone outside of the imminent defense of your life, liberty, rights or property - the sooner we can put a stop to these crazy shootings. The sooner we hold people accountable to this principle (like Obama, Trump, and all their sycophants) and rid society of these monsters instead of placing them on pedestals - the sooner we can develop a society that honors personal accountability, integrity, and holds those who conduct themselves based on these principles in high esteem.

Publishing magic pieces of paper and worshiping "The Law" as “God”, does not change this moral axiom - It is immoral to do something to someone else, that you know is wrong for them to do to you. The sooner anyone who disagrees with this axiom is eliminated from society - the sooner we can restore sanity and reason to society.

Unfortunately, as former KGB propaganda officer Yuri Bezmenov said - people like you, Shawn, cannot be reasoned with because you have been completely demoralized. Like Bezmenov said, you are "contaminated".

If a society can't reason with violent people when they want to force their cult of beliefs on others through the color of law - there is, sadly, only one option left when there is no peaceful option for a redress of grievances: war.


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