Announcing the VYB Moderation Policy, accompanied by the VYB Anti-Abuse Team (AAT)

in #verifyyourbrain3 years ago (edited)


Effective and justifiable moderation is impossible without consistency and engagement within the community.

The policy presented today, here within the Hive ecosystem, is a result of community involvement spanning back to the early days of the Proof of Brain tribe/community.


The Verify Your Brain (Vybrainium) tribe wishes to further update the VYB moderation policy and report its changes to the community.

Before we dive deeper into the starting fundamentals of the VYB Moderation Policy, we'd like to extend our thanks to everyone, past and present, who has taken an active role in the tribe's development. Members of the community have voiced their opinions consistently which has led to changes in our perspectives time and time again. Think of VYB as a community-driven experiment, where we seek to continuously adjust, and in so doing, continuously improve by keeping the good and discarding the bad or ineffectual.

We'd like to continue with this in mind to allow room for the VYB Moderation Policy to evolve and breathe freely alongside the community.


We seek your engagement and genuine attention to ensure that this policy ticks the important boxes allowing the VYB platform to flourish into a magnificent community here on the Hive blockchain.

What works? What doesn't?
How can we improve?
Please be professional in your commentary


The platform is now active, and the community is and has been actively engaging. Unfortunately, some have participated in VYB with better form than others. We've muted several authors, and will cover that in another article later this week.

We must all do our part on this platform to protect what we publish. We will be discussing a proposal presented by @notconvinced that would ease how we can accomplish this goal. Still, while being a part of the layer-2 platform, it requires certain behaviors from the community, to maintain some level of decorum within the overall ecosystem.

Tribe MUTE Function

All layer-2 tribes possess the ability to mute authors directly (with respect to their specific tribe and token). When a tribe uses the mute function, the effects only apply to that specific tribe's token and front-end. Invoking the tribe-specific mute function enacts the following:

  • Author (account-level) Mute: With an account-level tribe-specific mute, the tribe denies all upcoming tribe-token rewards to the accountholder (both author and curator rewards). This is a reversible action, meaning that as soon as an account-level mute is removed, upcoming rewards for which the payout window has not yet past will still be issued. While the account-level mute is active, the accountholder's comments and articles will show up as 'hidden' on the tribe's front-end.

  • Article Mute: Hive-Engine is currently working on enabling article-level muting via the rewards-pool smart contract. The community will receive a new update once admins have verified that we can mute individual articles.


Moderation Purpose

Moderation protects the community from abusive behaviors related to both upvotes and downvotes.

  • Abusive Downvoting (ADV): We've all either been subjected to it or have observed it. ADV occurs when large stakeholders apply downvotes without reason or justification over an extended period.

    • Layer 1 allows downvotes for virtually any reason, per Hive's design and written and unwritten guidelines.
    • Downvotes are often the source of intense drama; without discussion or justification downvotes appear subjective, lacking rationale.
    • It is difficult, if not impossible, to separate the drama from the DV without engagement.

  • Abusive Upvoting (AUV): Scammers can and do act to defraud the platform within its very boundaries.

    • Moderation is one means to ensure rogue stakeholders don't abuse upvotes.
    • Although most tribes rely on DVs to moderate AUVs, the VYB tribe will moderate AUVs via the tribe-specific mute function.
    • AUVs occur far more frequently than ADVs.

  • Cross-Layer Moderation

    • Verify Your Brain is a layer-2 tribe interwoven within the Hive blockchain (i.e. layer 1).
    • Actions taken on layer 1 against a content creator can only affect layer 2 after careful evaluation and specific action by the tribes' admins.
    • The VYB admin team actively and enthusiastically supports the Proof of Brain tribe; as such, if an author commits fraud within the Proof of Brain community, the VYB Anti-Abuse Team will also take action within the VYB community.

Again, as always, many scenarios exist that may point towards abusive behaviors. The following discussions will lay out how the community intends to address these behaviors.

Potential Moderators

If anyone is interested in fulfilling such a role in the community, please don't hesitate to contact @scholaris.

Moderators would:

  • Assist in developing a moderating schedule where they would agree to spend a portion of their time reviewing content.
  • Document the articles they have reviewed via an online collaboration tool, such as Google Sheets.
  • Receive compensation in the form of a POB and/or VYB delegation. The delegation would be active whenever they are assigned to and fulfilling a "moderator" role.
  • Update: @jesustiano, @ajanaku, and @iyiade are the first people to express their interest. They are currently assisting @scholaris with daily moderation duties.


Implementing Mute Actions

Application of the mute function occurs with justification and confirmation, and will be accompanied by on-chain notification:

  • Whenever an author is deemed to have engaged in behavior that warrants a tribe-specific mute action (which will occur only after an extensive review of the situation has been conducted by the VYB Anti-Abuse Team), the mute will be applied and a comment will be published, explaining the reason for the mute and requesting a response from the author. In particular, the following response will be requested:

    • State the reason for the mute action, as you understand it.
    • State the reason(s) why the tribe should remove the mute.
    • State your willingness to engage with the anti-abuse team regarding what you can do to prevent future MUTE actions.
  • If the author fails to respond, the mute action will remain in force, indefinitely.

  • If the author responds, the Appeals Process will begin (see below).

Transparency Regarding Mute Actions

  • The VYB Anti-Abuse Team will regularly publish notification posts that will identify all the most recent tribe-specific mute actions, the affected authors, and the reasons for the mute actions.

  • Responses to the notification posts will be monitored and moderated such that all muted accountholders will have ample opportunity to interact on-chain with the VYB Anti-Abuse Team. This is possible by virtue of the way layer 1 functions independently of layer 2 (i.e. a tribe-specific mute action has zero impact on the way an author's posts or comments are displayed on layer 1).

  • The VYB Anti-Abuse Team reserves the right to coordinate with any other moderator or regulatory group (i.e., HDR or HW, etc.) to confirm that the alleged behavior qualifies as 'abuse', or to explore it further within the new emerging paradigm.

  • Reasons for muting an author include, but are not limited to:

    • Plagiarized articles falling under's guidance will receive a mute.
    • Spam/no-content/phishing articles will receive a mute.
    • NSFW/violent articles will receive a mute.
    • Multiple violations by the same author (including alt accounts) will have a mute applied to that author's account and alt accounts.
    • Fraudulent activity is not covered by this policy.


Mute Appeals Process

An appeal option is available to every content creator who has received a tribe-specific MUTE action on their account. Content creators wishing to appeal shall:

  • Attempt to contact the anti-abuse team on the blockchain first (it is important to have a public record of the attempt). Then contact the anti-abuse team via discord as a secondary path to appeal a tribe-specific mute action.

    • State the reason for your mute as you understand it.
    • State the reason(s) why the tribe should remove the mute.
    • Engage with the anti-abuse team regarding what you can do to prevent future MUTE actions.
  • The author will also have the opportunity to address the applied mute by responding to the VYB Anti-Abuse Team's notification post (see above). It will be readily available, openly mentioning those who've received a MUTE action.

  • Once the author responds, a timer will be applied to their account.

    • First offense warrants a 1-week tribe-specific mute on the platform.
    • Second offense warrants a 1-month tribe-specific mute on the platform.
    • Third offense leads to an indefinite tribe-specific mute.
  • Application of a tribe-specific mute action can be reversed at any time by community vote (i.e. using the VYB Stewardship Board's balloting process), after the first offense.

Tag Abuse

Tag abuse represents an act where an author:

  • Uses tags irrelevant to the content posted, or
  • Uses an excessive number of tags (i.e. beyond the standard 10-tag allowance).

The VYB Anti-Abuse Team will work to mitigate any problems caused through tag abuse.


While self-voting (SV) is allowed on the Hive blockchain, it will not be permitted on the Verify Your Brain platform.

While we continue to set things up on VYB, you may notice that self-voting indeed has been occurring. There are several reasons for this:

  • We need the community to become accustomed to the rules and have the opportunity to review and understand the guidelines (such as are contained in this moderation-policy document).
  • We are still waiting for the Hive-Engine dev team to enable article-level tribe-specific muting (currently, only account-level muting is enabled).
  • We are developing instantaneous communication systems, so that transparency and clarity are provided for all moderation actions. This will be in a timely manner, before and after tribe-specific mute actions are taken.

There are many different potential arguments regarding the issue of Self-Voting, such as:

  1. Self-voting represents a way to declare via the blockchain that you have faith in the work you publish.
  2. Hive allows self-voting, so all other communities and layers should follow suit.
  3. Self-voting simply provides a mechanism to more effectively use your Voting Power (VP), i.e. to earn higher rewards. As such, the more VP you have, the higher your potential rewards resulting from SV.
  • Argument #1 is understandable. You are investing in your work. Just don't be greedy, yes? However, when you self-vote, and the SV rewards are higher than anyone else who votes for you, it may be perceived as problematic, depending on how much VP you have. (Newer arrivals to Hive weren't around when  Steem  creators expected the community to SV as a means of promotion, ... or did they, really?).
  • Argument #2 is also understandable. Hive allows for SVs, but not blindly and not without recourse, because Hive also allows other account holders to downvote (DV) any post that has excessively benefited from self-voting. On the other hand, DVs against SVs on Hive may be considered subjective, and are often not evenly applied -- some accounts regularly receive the hammer-drop while others do not. Hive's a prominent place.
  • Argument #3 is more of a statement than an argument. The more VP you have, the more rewards you will earn when you curate yourself (i.e. self-vote). Is this fair? Some ardently say "Yes!"; others just as ardently say "No!"



  • As was clearly stated in the initival VYB white paper, self-voting will not be allowed on VYB (including upvoting by alt accounts). The arguments in favor of self-voting are understandable. However, whereas VYB represents an unequivocally downvote-free layer-2 experiment, removing DVs while allowing SVs creates a potential moderation nightmare, especially when it comes to the potential for large stakeholders to reap substantial 'rewards' even with relatively small SVs (percentage-wise).

  • As such, we will be providing on-chain warnings to those who SV, and future mute actions for those who persist despite the warnings.

  • If you wish to SV, you are by all means welcome to do so, but you must use the following tag to inform VYB curators that your article is not eligible to receive VYB rewards:


Community Decision & Decentralised Moderation

At the very beginning of this article, we discussed about effective moderation and how it is impossible without community engagement. @notconvinced wrote an excellent VYB proposal to introduce tools that would allow the community to flag potentially-abusive content for further scrutiny:

My VYB Content Moderation Proposal - NotConvinced

We feel like it wouldn't do that article justice by trying to reiterate its recommendations here in this article. I leave it to the community, the VYB Stewardship Board, and the VYB Admin Team to review it and consider the following actions:

  • Would developers be able to incorporate such tools into the VYB platform?
  • How can we monitor community flags and report on statistics?
  • Who will oversee the reporting?
  • How long would it take to develop and test the implementation of the new tools?
  • What would be the costs of development and maintenance (and how would they be funded)?

@notconvinced has presented a brilliant initial proposal and we should support its development as a community (or the refinement of the proposal into a working model to be implemented on VYB). The benefit of this recommendation is that it would give the community a greater voice in how the platform gets managed.


The Future of AAT Moderation

Levels of moderation: VYB Anti-Abuse Team (AAT) consensus, VYB Stewardship Board (VSB) balloting, NotConvinced & LogicZombie's community-based flagging & decision-making to expand decentralisation.

These levels are not necessarily in a chronological sense. Some decisions may be able to fall directly into a more decentralised structure of decision/moderation, some will require crossover (e.g. VSB has a decision to make and reaches XX% of the ZZ% required threshold, rather than relying on the all non-votes equalling YES, some decisions could be filtered down to a wider community concensus vote).

Putting ourselves in a box with regards to moderation is the fastest way to segregating ourselves and detracting those who find MASSIVE value in decentralisation. More information about our progress towards decentralised moderation will be published in the future.

We'd like to further extend thanks to @notconvinced and @logiczombie for their perspectives on this complex topic. We hope that others will follow suit in sharing ideas and solutions, in this ever-expanding environment, so that we're able to continue developing the VYB and POB platforms into a leading example of considerate community-backed concensus; with sufficient safeguarding to prevent malicious abuse.


In Closing

Moderation of VYB activities seeks to level the playing field.

We want fair treatment of all content creators to allow them to have the opportunities for leisure and business that layer 1 offers. The moderation policy presented in this article continues to represent our commitment to protecting the platform, its content creators, and investors.

Thanks to the community for reading along with this article. We look forward to providing more in the future.


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Self voting is a very grey area.
My stake my choice.
Now with that. other people have stake and can do what they want with that.

If the choice to self vote becomes punishable. (because it is a self vote) then self voting should be removed as an ability.

The reason I self vote is because I get little attention.
The one thing that I have learned here on Hive. The more HP you have. The more respect you get.

If it is okay for someone with 75 HP to vote their own post with 100%. Then it is okay for someone with 100,000 HP to self vote 100%

In all of this a care must be taken not to criminalize people for actions not criminal.

Are the rewards there for content or for the behaviour of the vote?

Now comes the technicality.

So anyone who has anything to do with the token itself in any way. Coder idea development or any other thing related to the token its agenda and development must also be excluded from receiving a vote from VYB.

As those people control the account. Any vote from that account to any persons working on the project can be considered a self vote.

You've got some great points here. And I will continue to review them as the policy continues to develop as the tools for monitoring will also develop.

If it is okay for someone with 75 HP to vote their own post with 100%. Then it is okay for someone with 100,000 HP to self vote 100%

I've been reviewing darn near every article here since this tribe has launched. ALOT of people self-vote. Hive allows the self-vote (SV), but not at every level. I honestly couldn't tell you where the DV-deciding line was in Hive other than 9-10% average weight in self-votes over a 7-day period. I find that kind of hard to track on a wide-scale.

So anyone who has anything to do with the token itself in any way. Coder idea development or any other thing related to the token its agenda and development must also be excluded from receiving a vote from VYB.

That's a clear perspective. It's probably also why I haven't written any articles on that matter. I'll deny rewards on this account for any article I publish here. Once I figure out how to do that with comments I'll do the same.

Why not discuss the points deeper in a voice chat.

Yes! That's part of the plan. @trostparadox, @calumam, and myself have been discussing the performance of an AMA (ask-me-anything) for VYB in the past. I'll be working from home this week and will discuss it with them in our next meeting, hopefully this week. I'll give an update in this article.

yea I was not there for those. But you are not too far behind certain ideas.

Explaining the reason for downvoting/mute is a good idea. I experienced downvotes as well as mutes that I couldn't understand why in the past. People can make mistakes simply as they don't know the rules.

We will be publishing our first article on those muted and why this weekend.

For someone not so acquainted with the entire system yet, I'd say the whole moderation policy is like 10 steps in the right direction. Though there are plenty things not to my comprehension yet, like layer one and layer 2.

At the beginning of this article, I was wondering how was I to know if I have been mute? Or what can I do to warrant being muted. Happy that you provided all those information here too.

I still need clarity on that one too.Also, about the tag abuse, I would like to be enlightened about the appropriateness of using the #vyb tag. Like are they specific post I can use it, or allowed in any post. There was also a topic raised on this regard last week asking if people who uses other tags in combination to #vyb and #pob tags in a particular post should be allowed vyb tokens.

It should be encouraged that everyone who wishes to down vote a post should also comment the reason for doing such, it's all part of growth and development. If the rational behind the down vote is so worth it, then the author can be sure to be careful on future occasions.

Also, about the tag abuse, I would like to be enlightened about the appropriateness of using the #vyb tag. Like are they specific post I can use it, or allowed in any post. There was also a topic raised on this regard last week asking if people who uses other tags in combination to #vyb and #pob tags in a particular post should be allowed vyb tokens.

You can use the pob/vyb tags in combination. Both are general content communities. The problem, however, is when you try to use every single tag on Hive in an article. Keep to the limit of tags allowed or cross-post to you heart's desire.

An article on the most recent muted authors will be coming out today-tomorrow morning.

Alright. Thank you very much for the clarification

This is such a comprehensive and Wow😱 work.

A very well thought moderation policy. And an important step towards making the vyb visions a reality.

Yesterday I hopped over an article expressing doubt about excluding DW's from the vyb ecosystem.

And this is the living proof that if people are ready to take on the burdensome task of manual moderation management that is more subjective, diverse in action and backed by thoroughly refined policies. You can deal with this challenge.

Regarding SV's. The policy that has already been mentioned is very generous and appropriate.

I congratulate the community and particularly the contributors of this amazing, concise policy accommodative of tricky and sensitive situations. Also giving a way out to the SV's with no-vyb tag is in particular a super idea that very well enforces the essence and vision of vyb.

Rest everything, well I have no words. There is nothing I would want to add or remove for now.

I never assumed it could be made that efficient and simple. I thought of like a small novel long policy draft must be able to cover all the complexities and scenarios about DW's and moderation. But I am amazed how efficiently it has been dealt.

Not making it overly complex is as important. I would also like to stress upon the need for simplification along with making necessary additions based on observations and feedback. Simplification always need to be in our minds while dealing with policies pertaining to manual management to keep them futureproof and ensure that implementation on a larger scale do not succumb to our own refinement and complexity. All in all the future mindset towards improving this should not just be achieving maximum efficiency and effectiveness but also making/keeping it as simple and as less resource intensive as possible.

This is an overall powerful step in every direction. So hats off for that. 👏 🙂

Thank You

Thanks. It took a long time to review the wide array of opinions, rejections, and proposals. It's still a living document and it will be continued to be revised in the best interests of the community.

I think that was all very well put.


Thank you. I also haven't forgotten about the interview request I made to you and @onealfa. I apologize for the delay, but things have been quite hectic over the last month. I'm working on those questions now and hope to address that in a new article this weekend.

Hectic...i know that feeling

Say, I'm writing an article-interview of onealfa and his experiences in Hive. Would you mind answering similar questions as well? I'd like to include the both of you in this piece for the community to read.

Yes, no problem...fame!

good explanation. where can I find info about content that you allow on your tags?

I love how transparent it is... and the initiatives brought forth. Changes that VYB wants I agree.

I like the King arthur and the knights of the round table thing , it gives an authority that is not centered on one opinion. Gives a very decentralized feeling.

Although, the "self-vote" I agree with @thehive well not all but mostly.

I am a fiction writer and spend a lot of time making my post proofreading and making sure it has quality. "self voting for me is giving a "tap at my back" for doing such a good story. As a friend say "Who else should love our work more but ourselves."


  • remove the self voting mechanism (as thehive stated), or something else.

#no-vyb is really not so worth it. as per understanding, VYB curation will focus more on upcoming content creators who most likely have an upvote of less than a dollar. I won't use #no-vyb and miss out on curation, those that have more than enough VP (to be problematic) are most probably already well established in the blockchain.

It will be hard to explain in the long run on new to VYB (or new to Hive and has no idea of its history) that self voting is somewhat "punishable" without pointing them back to this post.

accidents happen due to habits.

Thank you... hope this is well receive.

What about voting trails?

:) I didn't think of that... but hopefully when they read this it will push through also.

Again, great points.

accidents happen due to habits.

You're correct here. In terms of self-voting I would prefer to take a warning approach to that behavior. I feel like not self-voting requires a change in behavior. I would like to warn an author before muting either the article or author. Once our next article on muted authors gets published, we'll start communicating with the authors on self-voting at an individual level.

I missed all the previous discussion. However it still appears there are some things that need resolving or tightening up.
The points I make I think are not seen.

All we can do is wait... anyway, VYB is more hands on and replies diligently on responses and inquiries. So, I am sure they have taken note of everything you suggested.

What hasn't been covered yet, if you don't mind?

The how to make it so?

I cannot carry a conversation in comments over weeks. Too swear word slow.

Fair enough. I assumed you were speaking about this article.

I speak of every aspect of your project. Each part is reliant on another. Changing one changes many. Adding or removing a cog makes the machine run smoother.

I can't find anyone that can tell me anything about VYB.
Sending me to a post to read. I will write every thing I see wrong in the comments.
That speaks against your project in the eyes of many. In mine it does not and have always welcome such comments on my posts.
For others it sparks unneeded aggressive debate.

I tried to avoid this. I have heard some on voice talking about the project and in that heard more than was said. What was clearly said without the words was a struggle to find a secure foundational setting.

Self voting is only a doorway to open discourse.
But to carry open discourse on something that can be talked about and views shared over a period of days is not me.

And anything I do say here, I will be told, we talked about that. that was discussed. And yet your stalemate persists.

I speak of every aspect of your project. Each part is reliant on another. Changing one changes many. Adding or removing a cog makes the machine run smoother.

@trostparadox can discuss things in detail with you for specific responses to any of your questions. VYB is a general-topic tribe created with the DV function of voting removed. It contains different teams to promote consistent curation, engagement, and moderation. I wish I knew of the specifics of your concerns in the past so I could address them here.

In any event, I hope you have a great day. I'll check around in past articles for your commentary so I can address them there.

You are too kind @scholaris.brain

Once again I see you have gone overboard to make governance clear in this post.

I especially like this part...

(Newer arrivals to Hive weren't around when Steem creators expected the community to SV as a means of promotion, ... or did they, really?).

Thanks. For this process to work, moderation activities need to come full circle. Yes, we can mute, but we are doing so for the interests of the community. So, if we apply an action against an article or author, the community will have the opportunity to review, and appeal, if they choose.

I love Vyb so far. I'm just a bit concerned some of my posts may be considered NSFW even though they are simple nudity and not porn. Should I refrain from posting to vyb with those types of posts or should I risk a mute and appeal later?

You bring up something I haven't considered. We've got a management meeting tomorrow and I'll put it on the agenda. Would that work for you? I can get back to you then.

That sounds great! Thanks!

No problem. Thank you for presenting the question.

Well, you did it. Lol. I'll be writing an update to our moderation policy and it will cover NSFW and memes.

For now, please consider using the #NSFW tag to allow built-in features to either warn, or hide, articles tagged with #NSFW. The community has a right to decide for themselves as I'm sure you would agree. Also, VMT requests that you make it clear to the user that what they're viewing may be considered NSFW in some areas. Putting a (NSFW) parentheses, I feel, in the title may do the job.

Is that okay with you? Do you have any recommendations that would be better?

That sounds like a perfect solution. Thanks for working with me!

You're very welcome. I'm glad the recommendation works for you. Welcome to the community.