From the feedback on my first post, I realized that I might want to post proof that I am who I say I am.
Well, I am.
By the way, for the past five years I have written extensively on the consequences, both intended and otherwise, of drug policy. Here's an inexhaustive smattering:
- has published two of my posts: a comparative review of drug war films and a philological inquiry into the racist roots of "medical marijuana."
- Both of those posts were picked up from AlterNet, where I have far too many bylines to list here.
- David Downs at asked for my permission to reprint a detailed legal analysis I wrote about Washington State's licensing process's unintended consequences for minority communities. I gave it.
- I edited 9 print issues of Cannabis Now Magazine, and dozens of my articles can still be found on their website.
- Last but not least, there's my own blog, The Leaf Online, where I have posted my analyses for the past three years.
Please let me know what you think, and if anyone else on here is writing about drug wars and/or policy, I'd love to read your work, too!
Good luck