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random xvg comment. upvote to cope with the losses :D

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

@haejin, thank you very very much for this, what is the likelihood of XVG, DCN, and many others doing a HUGE cup and handle??

That would be probable but a sideways could be wxyxz

I think it's possible, with a few run ups along the way. Possibly more like Ethereum during 2017.

Everything follows bitcoin so theres no way to truly be diversified...I like that statement. Finally someone who will admit it instead of just trying to pump something. I hope XVG picks up I've been waiting on it..


People can be truly diversified by allocating money into precious metals, Peer-to-Peer loans, purchasing land, and an international portfolio of stocks, bonds and ETFs.

Yes we possibly cannot diversify within cryptospace but some coins like No Limit Coin seem to often march to its own rhythm

Yes, I hope most people are diversified in real assets but as far as crypto world this seems to be the way it works. I'll check out no limit coin.


Right! That's why having cash is always good to allow buy the corrections.

Just what I needed thanks for your sharing and insights as always.

Thank you for your TA.

informative post...thanks for share

thank you very very much

thanks @haejin !!! Could you take a look at CND/BTC on binance please?

Thank you very much for thia

This is very enlightening and informative.

Keep it up.

You are always on point!

I just wish i would sell verge near top but hope ill learn something from it :) If nothing else always sell some profits :D

XVG is testing the brave from the weak, we'll saddle the neck and embrace the shoulders.

DTUBE doesnt works correctly here even with Chrome

Love you man...keep up the great work...

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

DAMN YOU DESPERATE FOR MONEY. SO much NONSENSE bullshit predictions that NEVER came true. This stupid dude creates 5 videos a day and gets 1500$+ You people stupid?? GO to and see real analysis.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.


Been holding since 4/10 of a cent. Yes, I could have sold many times for a huge profit but am going to HODL for many months as I truly believe in this coin and don't do a lot of day trading. Thank you Haejin. You turned me on to Verge before anybody else was talking about it.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Yes, sentiment might bring this coin up alittle but from studying Bitcoin over last few weeks there blockchain is not up to the security needed. Its soo sad as they have a good product but they lack a team..

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Verge is a long way from doing anything at the moment. Maybe in 6 months there might be a move...

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

First of all, fuck you. Then fuck all belonging to you.
You say that all his followers are fake and that its theft. I literally left a comment on this page and was then auto flagged by 15 of your bots who then auto voted you post by 1.50.
Now i might not know the whole story but from where i sit @thecyclist @bue @berniesanders and @iflagtrash are pure scam artists.
Voting up there own posts and going after me for leaving a comment. Fuck each and every last one of ye. You absolute shower of shit pumping cunt bags.
I never said that i agreed with haejin or voted for him and yet there were bots set on me with threats. To be honest i couldn't care less if ye vote my rep to pieces but i would rather that than bend over and take it like im sure you would.

Dear @haejin
I become your follower and honestly love your blog!
Great work!

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

very irrelevant. how could this happen @berniesanders?

❤️🐾Loved you since back in June when you only had 600 followers. However lately when I see your video charts I cannot see clearly the price quotes on the vertical left of the chart. So when you say here I don’t know where here is. Can you please say what the price quote is that you’re talking about

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.


Definitely looks like the bottom is in. This is how I'm counting the initial impulse waves. I'm expecting the top of Wave 1 to be in the range of 0.074 to 0.084, then a corrective Wave 2. Thank you Haejin!

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Your posts are gold mines,thank you so muchgiphy (3).gif

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Are you going to cry now?

So interesting video. I guess Verge will go up faster.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Fuck you, scammy piece of shit. Killing your rewards! Now, go back to fucking your sheep.

do you trade or invest? I have a feeling you hate him but also follow his methods lol... right?

I think Haejin is a legend but i think what bernie means if he could speak with respect is, why make all these videos of all the coins that clearly are not going to do anything but follow Bitcoin movements until Bitcoin breaks out.

The alts are amazing for making money on paper... but its so important that people understand this... its only on paper. It may be equal to 0.2 of a Bitcoin but that means nothing if you dont change it to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin will crash many times this year and with it the alts will fall as well. Why? It is because 90% of alts are only in idea stage... they havent even got a product yet. Checking recently on Github i was shocked at a particular red hot coin at the moment having only one person working on programming... this is serious.

Yes, Haejin will say its all about sentiment, and he is right. People in this space dont care about whether a coin has a product, a team, nothing. Greed blinds them. They only care about money. What is the point pumping money into a coin that is going to crash 3-4 times this year back to the same price it is now.

This makes no sense. The alts have one purpose in the short term. Making money to buy Bitcoin.

Real question. I thought that your forces and Haejin's forces had reached a truce, whereby some of his post would get full credit, some less credit and some none. Also there would no longer be name calling. What happened with that? I noticed some of his posts being down voted but assumed that was part of the deal. But now name calling? Something tells me the cease fire has ended. I am curious to know why.

I don't agree with the censorship, but I do understand the limited reward pool. I had been considering making a fairly sizable investment in steem and then this feud began. When I saw this I made a (bad) decision not to make that investment as what I saw told me that this decentralized model was just not going to work. Then the truce, which I thought made sense, but by then the price was so friggin high. Now that we have a pull back I see this stuff and I am very hesitant to invest, yet again and for the same reason. Now I know my small pockets don't matter one little bit, but I know I am not alone thinking this way. How many deep pockets are turned off by this?

Steemit does have "first in" advantage in this space but the model could (and probably will) be copied. Kind of like Bitcoin, but just like Bitcoin bad decisions could dethrone the king. If there had been no forks and everyone was playing nice, Bitcoin would be worth a hell of a lot more right now. IMHO

whats the matter bernie? Why are you so annoyed with haejin?

Stop trying to sensor - I want to see his posts - and I will.

Congratulations @berniesanders you’ve elevated yourself to the status of Grade A Cockwomble. Now if you don’t mind why don’t you go back to playing with your toys or dress-up and let the adults work in peace!!

Very common between exchanges. Arbitrage.

Yes I use this price difference to arbitrage but I only do it when its between 8% - 12%