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RE: Venn diagram on the extreme right, extreme left and islamism

in #venndiagram8 months ago

As I don't watch mass media, I don't use their wrong classification of left and right.
I define extreme right as Nazi-like, a strong focus on ethnicity, persecution of minorities, suppression of dissenting views, strong directing of the economy, aggressive towards its neighbors, etc.

the extreme right just want that each nation has it´s right to conserve it´s culture, habits and demographic structure within it´s territory, but does not care about religion or sexual orientation, as far as I know.

What you talk about is conservative or Mitte-rechts. I think that is what parties like CDU/CSU or ÖVP were until the early 1990s. The extreme right does not conserve its culture, but destroys it (like the Nazis). This is because culture is the result of dissenting and diverse opinions, discussions, writings, art, music, etc. The extreme right burns entartete Kunst and monopolizes "culture".


Btw, what´s islamism? It should read islam.

Hmm, I understand what you mean, but don't you think that Islam and its writings has some spiritual and interesting content and that a relevant part of the muslim world is peaceful (unfortunately their current leaders from Iran to the Saudis are not)?


Agree with you on the extreme rights. According to your definition there are no such parties in the DACH region, despite FPÖ and AfD are titled to be such parties by their political opponents (instead using real arguments).

Agree also on the islam part, but Ergogan himself has once noted that using the word islamism alone is an offence to islam.
The religion part may be peaceful, but the problem is that with islam you get only the full package, islam = religion + politics + influence over the daily life in all aspects. One can´t carve out or pick the better things. That´s why there is so little peace in all countries where islam is dominating or trying to dominate.